Itachi - Stay with Me 🍋

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Word Count - 2195

There is a soft knock on my door followed by Itachi's call for me "(Y/N)" he said softly. I opened the door to find a distraught Itachi.

"Come in" I said stepping to the side allowing him room to walk through my door. He sat on my bed. Head hung low. I knew he had a nightmare. That's the only time he comes in here like this. He likes the cuddles. It helps him relax and distracts himself from whatever is causing him stress. I didn't mind. He wasn't the only member of the Akatsuki to come to me for cuddles after a nightmare but he was my favorite. Our cuddles were more intimate than mine with the other boys. The last few times a couple kisses had been shared.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked laying down first before he joined me in my arms. His head rested against my chest and arms clung tightly around me. I started running my hands through his hair. He never does but I wanted to give him the opportunity.

"You were hurt" he hummed into me. So quiet I almost missed it.

"Love I'm right here."

"I hurt you" he whispered again.

"Baby" I whined for him to tell me more. "I'm okay. You didn't do anything. You wouldn't do anything."

"But I did" he snapped his heading shooting up.

"It's okay my love. It was just a dream." He huffed at me in response and laid his head back down on my chest. My fingers went back to combing is black hair. We stayed silent for a moment. I could feel his breathing evening it. I was hoping he was falling asleep but I was left unsettled at his confession. He was having nightmares surrounded around me. Maybe this cuddling thing was getting too much for him. Maybe I should start to set boundaries with him and ease myself away. I didn't want him getting attach to me cause that would lead him to getting hurt when I couldn't give him what he wanted.

"Crow," he said bringing me back to reality.

"Yes my love?" I cooed at him.

"I want you." he breathed for me.

"Tachi are you sure baby?" he answered my question with a kiss. The kiss was passionate. Desire laced in his lips. I couldn't pull back from his touch. I wanted this just as much as he did. I forced myself to finally pull away.

"Itachi," I breathed out while running my hand through his hair. "Are you sure baby?" I asked again. I didn't want to do anything we both regretted. This would change our relationship in a way I was uncertain of. I wanted him but I knew I would be no good for him. I was not the lovey dovey girl that I showed him behind the close door of my bedroom. My heart was cold after a traumatic childhood. The traumatic childhood that lead me into the Akatsuki. He had one two. We all did that's why we all ended up here as rogue ninjas littered with pain, hurt, and nightmares. We all took the hard way out to fight our demons. It wasn't the most conventional way to go but it brought us all together. That's why I viewed the Akatsuki as my family. As much as I would let them in we all had stories of suffering.

"I'm sure Crow. Do you not want me?" He looked ashamed.

"Love I want you but not in the way you want me." I was honest with him. "I can't do this to you. I dont want to hurt you."

"You won't hurt me." He almost laughed. "I'd be the one to hurt you." I saw memories of his dream flash back to him. He shivered at the thought. I leaned back up to kiss him again.

"If you're sure Tachi." I said into his lips. He hummed at me in response, telling me he was okay with the outcome. I didn't believe him but I wasn't going to stop him. If he wanted to face the results of this then I didn't care. I knew my heart and what I was capable of and what I wasn't. I knew I was capable of giving him detached physical love. I wasn't sure about him. I tired to stop him but if he wasn't going to listen I wasn't going to waste my breath.

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