Kankuro - Something in the Orange 🍋

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Word Count - 3250

I stood at the bar ordering myself another drink. It was busy. I was out with my friends who were not currently away on missions. We all loved getting together when we could.

"Hey." Kiba, who stood next to me, called to someone. "What are you doing here?" He embraced whoever it was in a hug.

"Temari wanted to see Shika." The sound of the voice made me whip my head around immediately. I could never mistake Kankuro's voice. I hadn't heard that voice in a month. I wasn't sure if I missed it or not. The last time we were together we threw insults at each other and I was hurt. I wasn't ready to see him. A month wasn't long enough.

"Hey doll." He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I turned my head away from him. My focus was back towards the bar. I definitely needed another drink if he was here.

"(Y/N) be nice." Kiba warned me. Even though I knew Kiba my whole life he had a habit of taking Kankuro's side.

"Hi Kan-ku-ro." I gritted threw my teeth. I didn't even turn to look at him.

"I'll take that as my sign to leave you two. Will you order me a beer?" Kiba asked Kankuro was he patted him on the shoulder. I heard Kiba chuckle out a good luck to him before walking away.

"Doll," Kankuro came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His head started to nuzzle its way into the crock of my neck. He gave me a kiss there and started to kiss his way up my neck till he got to my ear. "Don't be like that. I've missed you." He whispered to me. I missed his voice.

"What are you doing here?" I spun around in his arms. My words were laced with venom.

"I told you, Temari wanted to see Shikamaru." He gestures towards the couple at the table of our friends.

"That's doesn't explain what you are doing here." I spat at him again.

"I can't come along with her and see my friends too?"

"No." I rolled my eyes at him and turned in his arms again. I wanted to slip away but the area around the bar was packed and I didn't want to lose my spot.

"Doll be nice to me." He whined in my ear. "I came all this way to see you. Don't be so cold."

"Are you serious Kankuro?" I whipped around in his arms. My eyes were big in shock. "I'm being cold?" He nodded his response to me. "Last time you told me I was poison. That's cold. I'm not the cold one between the two of us." I reminded him of his words he spoke to me a month prior.

"So what if you're poison," he wasn't taking his comment back. "I want to poison myself again." Before I could respond his lips were on mine. They fell in sync instinctually. I pulled away from him and turned my attention back to the bar without another word. He clung on to me from behind. When I finally got the bartenders attention I order us a round including Kiba who had left me alone with Kankuro earlier. Kankuro helped me carry them back to the table where our friends were. Ro sat beside me. His hand rested on my thigh. He would run his fingers up and town and tap here or there. His focus was on our friends and the conversations happening. I knew he just needed twiddle his fingers. I didn't know why I was letting him. I tried to convince myself it was out of habit and it wasn't because I missed him. I allowed him to do this because it wasn't worth the fight in front of everyone. I was not letting him touch me because I missed the feeling of his fingers on my body. There was no way I missed him. I tried to convince myself this over and over again. I was so lost in thought I didn't catch anything that was being said at the table.

As the night went on more drinks were ordered. We were at the point in the night people start to filter out.

"Are you ready to go?" Kankuro squeezed my thigh. I nodded. He got up and helped me slide out of the booth. Our fingers found each others naturally.

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