Zabuza - Future Baby Momma 🍋

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Word Count - 3435

It felt like a parents night out. Zabuza had taken me to a neighboring village as a romantic get away for our anniversary. I already miss Haku but I was excited to get the one on one time with my husband.
We were newly married with he brought Haku home six years ago. I was too young to be a mother but I knew that's what the little boy needed. I stepped up to take care of him and eventually loved the little boy as if he were my own. Even though he is only 11 years younger than me and mature beyond his years he still needed someone to look after him. And that's what I have been doing. Taking care of my two boys.
Nights like this where Zabuza made me feel special reassured me that it was all worth it. I could have left Zabuza when he brought Haku home. I did not consent to someone joining our life. We were newly married. I wanted to spend the alone time with my husband before we decided when it was time to start a family of our own. But when Zabuza first saw Haku he fell in love. Though he would never admit it, I know my husband enough to know he would not have let just anyone into our home. The three of us made a unique family but I loved every bit of it. I was longing for more.

We had talked about a baby but he shot me down right away. I knew not to bring it back up but my heart aches to have a little one in the house. When the boys were gone I was lonely. I wanted someone there with me. I wanted a baby with my husbands eyes to look into when I missed him. A little baby's fingers grabbing at me. The sound of little feet paddling on the floor as they took their first steps. I wanted it all so bad but Zabuza wouldn't give it to me. I wanted to take our alone time to revisit the subject but I wasn't sure how to approach it. After how mad he got at me the first time I was scared of his reaction if I kept asking. Would he take Haku and leave me complete empty and broken? It scared me to know Haku would always side with my husband and I could loose them both in a flash.

"Love are you ready to go?" My husband asked as he walked into the bathroom where I was getting ready for our date.

"Yes." I nodded and turned towards my husband. Giving him a quick kiss before we walked out to have dinner together.

The village was quaint and so was the restaurant. I like the quiet slowed down pace. Zabuza knew that so when he picked this village he knew I would love it for our getaway.

We talked and caught up on things from here to there. I loved having my husbands sole attention. We started reminiscing on the first few years we had Haku with us. Thinking about the little 8 year old he brought home made me want to know what it was like to care for a child even younger. My thought slipped out of my mouth before I could stop it.

"What was that love?" He asked me to repeat myself. The way he stopped touching his food made me nervous.

I looked away sheepishly and repeated my statement. "I wonder what it would be like to care for a child younger than Haku when you brought him home."

"Do you want me to bring you home another one?" He laughed. "I don't think Haku would approve." He laughed again. His question made me mad.

"You know what I mean Zabuza." I glared at him. He took in my newly angered state.

"Calm down love I was joking." I stayed quiet and went back to my food. He followed suit. The dinner had a tint of awkwardness. This was not how I wanted to spend our much needed alone time together.

"I'm sorry." I finally huffed.

"It's okay love I'm sorry for upsetting you. But you know how I feel about a baby."

"But why?" I whined at him.

"I don't want to change our life. I like it the way it is."

"I felt that way when you brought home Haku but I still took him in. I wanted to be happily married just the two of us. You didn't consider me in your decision to bring him with you but I was okay with it because I love you. I love Haku and I wouldn't want it any other way. What would be the difference if we had our own?"

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