Yamato - All These Years 💕

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Word Count - 2598

I wonder down the street of my village gathering the items on my list from the different vendors outside. I was lost in thought when I heard an overly enthusiastic voice. It was not a voice I had heard before. I look over to see where the disturbance was coming from. It was from a boy probably 10 years younger than me. He had an uncanny resemblance to the Hokage of my childhood. I shook my head to get the memories of my home village out of my mind. Those memories were in the past and I intended to keep them there. I glance back to the boy and that's when I saw him. It had been 6 years since I last laid eyes on the man that made me leave my home. I would never forget those eyes. Before I could move away he eyes locked on mine. I giant smile appeared across his face.

"(Y/N)" he shouting waving his hand at me as he made his way towards me. I turned on my heels and walked away from him. "Hey (Y/N) wait up." He was behind me now grabbing my arm and turning me around. I jerked my arm from his grasp glaring at him with fire behind my eyes. "That's not a very nice way to reunite with an old friend." He chuckled.

"What are you doing here Tenzo?" I spat.

"It's Yamato now." He informed me.

"What are you doing here Yamato?" I asked one more time even more aggressive than the first time I said it.

"We are just passing through." He said gesturing towards the hokage lookalike, a girl with pink hair, and a boy as white as paper. They waved at us as we looked back at them. The seemed like sweet kids.

"You have your own team now?" I asked. I couldn't help but be curious about my old teammates new life. I wanted to be mad at him but it was my fault I left not his. It was my fault I fell in love with him. I left because I knew I couldn't develop feelings for a teammate. I not only left the Anbu I left my whole village to put that time in my life behind me.

"Actually they are Senpai's team. I'm their Captain while he recuperates." He smiled at me. I missed that smile.

"What happened to Kakashi?" I couldn't help but worry.

"He over worked himself in their last mission." I nodded before continuing to the topic that was more prevalent.

"You left the Anbu?" I raised a brow at him. I never thought he would leave.

"Yes. The fifth assigned me to them. I'm following orders."

"Of course you are Tenzo." I smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder before turning and walking away. He always followed orders. I used to love that he was so responsible but I grew to hate it. I wished he would follow his heart. If he had we could have had a life together. I always wondered what it would look like. Would we stay in the leaf or find my new village together. I wonder what the home he built for us would look like. How many spare rooms he would give us to one day fill with children. What our children would look like. I used to spend my days and nights dreaming about the life I wanted. But the reality of it was never going to happen and sooner than later I started to focus on building a life for myself. One without him. One without love. I had closed myself off in order to get over him. Every date I went on I always compared the men to Tenzo. Every smile, every way they would look at me or held my hand. Nothing compared to him. I spent the last 6 years trying to put him in the back of my mind and here he was in my village. The home I dreamed of calling ours. But it's my home and he was not a welcomed guest.

"(Y/N)" he pleaded for me grabbing my hand and stopping me. I turned slightly to look at him again. I couldn't help but show him the hurt in my eyes.

"Tenzo please leave me be." I begged him. He shook his head.

"I can't do that (Y/N). We are staying here for the night. I want to spend time with you while I can."

"I can't Tenzo." I croaked. I knew the tears would come soon just by looking at him. All the fond memories I had of him were swirling around in my mind making me feel extremely overwhelmed.

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