Shikaku - Daddy Lessons 🍋

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Word Count - 3450

I walked back through the gates of Konoha. I was too entrapped in my own mind to hear my name being called. I kept my eyes focused on the hokage tower. I wanted to report to her as fast as I could. The faster I did the faster I could get out of here I did not want to be here. Every smell, every sound reminded me of my father. He was a coward. How could he do that to me. His own daughter. My mother died in child birth. He was all I had and he made me do that. At the hands of his own daughter. He was a coward.


I heard a knock on my door. When I opened it I was greeted with flowers held by Shikaku. My father grew up with Shikaku. They were always close. He and I became very close over the last couple of years. My fathers health was declining and his episodes were becoming more erratic. He would hold me in his arms as I cried over the things my father would do. He cared for me the way I needed. He was so comfortable and safe for me to show my vulnerability. A side to me only he knew.

"Hi (Y/N)" he greeted me with a smile. Thoughts of him swirled in my mind about. I needed him. I needed to feel some relief. He knew all of me. I longed for him to know my body too. I lunged towards him wrapping my arms around his neck and connecting my lips to his. He returned my kiss momentarily before pulling me away from him.

"(Y/N) not like this baby girl. Not like this." He shook his head looking down on me. "I brought you flowers." He turned he attention to the bouquet in his hands. We walked into my house. I grabbed a vase for the flowers.

"Thank you for the flowers Shikaku. They are beautiful." I smiled at him.

"Just like you" he gave me a cheesy smile. I couldn't help but roll me eyes. He sat himself on one side of the couch. I took a place on the other.

"I'm sorry about your father." He took a moment to pause. I could see the greif take over his face. He lost a close friend. "Lady Hokage told me the news. I wanted to check on you. Your father was a great man." I laughed at his comment on my fathers character.

"I thought you knew him better than that Shikaku. No need to be coy with me." I laughed again.

He looked down in sadness. "He was sick (Y/N)." I laughed at his words. Sick. That sounds about right. "He wasn't thinking straight the last couple of years but the man I grew up with, that's the man I want to remember. Remember the man of your childhood (Y/N). Not the one he turned into with his sickness. He did the best he could when your mother passed. He didn't expect to raise a daughter on his own but he did. He made you strong and independent. He taught you how to fight. Not only how to protect yourself physical but how to protect yourself emotionally. He was a good man (Y/N). He did a good job raising you. I know his sickness weighed heavy on you. It made you stronger. You saw things no one should. And at the hands of your own father. It wasn't right but it's over now. He is in a better place where he can get back to who he used to be. Get ride of the sickness that resided in him. Please forgive him for the things he did. He wasn't there anymore and you know it. That wasn't your father. Don't remember him like that." He gave me a sweet smile. I gave him one in return. It was sweet of Shikaku to try to help me see the light of who my father once was. But it only made me want Shikaku more. He knew what to say and how to say it. I wondered what he would say in my ear when he pounded into me. What his moans would sound like as he released into me.

"Shikaku," my voice coming out as a moan. He turned his eyes to me "I need you." I breathed out for him.

"Baby girl," was all he got out before I spoke again.
I leaned toward him on the couch my lips coming to his ears and my hand on his groin.

"Let me give you some relief." I massaged his groin harder. I needed the relief more than him. He twitched below me and a small moan escaped him. I wanted to hear more. I wanted him to be louder for me. "Shikaku." I sultrily whispered in his ear. "Let me touch you. Let me hear you." His body was tense. He grabbed my hand from his groin and turned to look at me.

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