Itachi - Last Night 💕

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Word Count - 2099

"Come on (Y/N)" Itachi started, "I think it's time for us to call it a night."

"Tachi," I whined. "One more shot" I bargained. I didnt have to try hard. Itachi shrugged his shoulders.

"Fuck it" he answer me. I tried to get out of the booth to get us more. "Stay" he huffed at me before walking back to the bar to get us two more shots. He didn't stop there. Two more than two more.

"Okay seriously (Y/N) I think it's time we head back."

"Okay Tachi." I nodded. "Carry me" I pouted with my arms stretched.

"Crow" the nickname Itachi gave me for when we are alone always made my heart flutter. In those moments I knew I was falling for him. A secret I kept close to the chest. It would be more of a headache to handle if anyone in the Akatsuki knew what Itachi and I did on our missions alone. Something I knew Pain would put an end to and I didn't want our time together to stop.

Itachi slide out of the booth. He grabbed my outstretched hands and helped me out of the booth. He places an arm around me and we stumbled our way out of the bar. Supporting each other.

"Tachi I thought you were going to carry me." I whined.

"Crow I dont think it's a good idea. I can barely support myself." He was right and as if on que he stumbled a little causing me to stumble too. We got our footing back and made our way to the inn. We were on a mission. Currently scouting. We were coming up completely empty so we spent our nights getting drunk then having sloppy sex to pass the time till our target arrived.

"Tachi please I don't want to walk anymore. Carry me." I whined. He ignored me. In my drunken state I took things into my own hands. I tired to jump on him causing us both to hit the ground.

"What the fuck (Y/N)." He snapped at me.

"I wanted you to carry me." I pouted in hopes of lightening the mood. I didn't think it was that big of a deal but the way he snapped at me, I instantly knew I fucked up. I tried standing on my own. Itachi was on his feet and didn't even bother to help me.

"You're being an ass." I grumbled. When I was on my feet Itachi bent down to whisper in my eye.

"I'll show you what an ass I can truly be." His voice was sultry. It sent shivers down my spine. I rubbed my thighs together while memories of our times spent in the bed together filled my mind.

"Tachi," I couldn't help but moan.

He turned quickly on his feet. He walked past the inn leaving me confused. "Itachi" I called for him but he fluffed me off. I wasn't sure if I wanted to follow to see what he was up to or just let him walk off. I didn't know I upset him that bad. "Itachi" I called again chasing after him.

"What (Y/N)" he spat as he turned quickly. I ran into him. I didn't expect him to stop so fast and my drunken legs could not respond fast enough.

"I'm sorry" I looked down to the ground.

"You call me an ass for no reason then just expect to say sorry. No (Y/N) it doesn't work like that." Venom was laced in his words.

"Itachi please it's not that big of a fucking deal. We are drunk let's just move on. Come back to the inn with me. You can fuck this anger towards me out your system baby." I reached for him. My hands traveling down his chest. I slipped my hand under his cloak and played with this belt buckle.

"Is that all I am to you?" He spat at me again.

"No" if he only knew he was so much more to me than a fuck buddy.

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