Raikage (A) - Not Good at Not 🍋

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Word Count - 3709

"Good afternoon ladies." I heard Darui's voice from behind me. I turned to see him and Cee.

"Good afternoon." Samui greeted the two men.

"(Y/N) Lord Raikage has asked for you." Cee informed me of why they were there.

"Just me?" I questioned. Darui slowly nodded. I couldn't help the little blush that spread to my cheeks. I had just seen him this morning. I wondered why he would already wanting to see me again.

"Samui I'll meet up with you after okay?" I turned to my friend. She nodded and winked before walking away. My blush came back ten folds. She was my best friend and would tease me about my crush on the Raikage. No one teased me about it more than Darui though. We had grown up together and graduated the academy the same year. We were constantly around each other. He knew me like the back of his hand. He was the closest thing I had to a brother. But that also meant he teased me like a brother.

"(Y/N) you need to get over that little crush of yours." On cue Darui teased me after he noticed the blush on my cheeks. My blush only deepened.

"It's not a crush." I tried to fluff him off as I started walking with them towards the tower.

"Oh you're right. It's love." Darui continued to tease me. I felt like my face was on fire. I elbowed him in the side. He took that as his sign to stop.

Once inside the tower, we walked towards the Raikage's office. Cee informed me that it was actually all three of us that were being summoned not just me like Darui had said. I knew that meant we would be going on a mission.

Outside of the office we were greeted my Mabui. When we made eye contact there was a slight blush on her cheeks before she looked away. I had the same look on mine. She greeted us before opening the door. We all filed in after her.

"Lord Raikage." She got the attention of the man behind the desk. When he looked up at us I felt another blush spread across my cheeks.

Darui nudged me with his elbow. I looked over at him to see him smirking at me. It only made my blush deepen again. I rolled my eyes and shook my head to try and calm myself down. My attention was brought back to the Raikage.

He began informing us of our next mission. It was a generic mission for the three of us and we were to leave in a couple hours. After his spiel he dismissed us. I turned on my heels and walked with the others out of his office.

"(Y/N)," Lord Raikage called after me. I stoped and looked back at him. "I need to discuss a private matter about this mission with you." I nodded and fully turned my body towards him. I tried my hardest not to be a blushing mess in front of him.

When I heard the door close I turned towards the sound to ensure the other three had left the room. I turned my attention back towards the Raikage.

"Lord Raikage this is not very appropriate." I began scolding him as I walked towards his desk. "You can't have me stay behind like this. It makes it obvious." I smirked at him. The bashful feeling was gone and confidence overtook me. I was confident in front of him when it was just the two of us. When I had to hide what we did in front of other people is when I would blush. Contrary to what others thought it was not my crush that made me so bashful, it was the secrets of what we did to each other.

"I'm not good at that. Not when I know you are wearing my favorite undies under there." He eyed me intensity.

"Oh you mean these?" The smirk across my face grew as I pulled my pants down in front of him. "But you already saw them this morning Lord." I teased him and I stepped out of my pants. He shifted behind his desk as he took in the sight of my body. His eyes landed on the black lace panties that covered my pussy from him.

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