Kakashi - The Last Time 🍋

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Word Count - 3882

I sensed his chakra before I saw him. Just my luck to run into him here. I thought about staying back but my feet acted before my brain could stop them.

As I got closer to him I saw he was sitting with Tenzo. They looks so serious. Worried even. I shifted my hood so I was even more concealed by my cloak. I wasn't wearing my regular one. The red clouds were a signature. I liked the all black one when I was gathering intel by myself. It helped me go unnoticed.

I sat a couple seats down from the pair so I could hear their conversation. Nothing caught my attention. It was already news I knew. I knew more than them at that.

I ordered myself a drink. I was getting bored but I was still nosey so I stayed close to them. I wondered what my ex boyfriend had been up to. We never actually broke up but I left the village one night to join the Akatsuki and I never looked back. It had been a little over two years since I last saw him. He still looked so handsome.

"(Y/N) I know it's you." His voice took me by surprise. I looked over at him as I took my hood off. He was looking down at his drink.

"Kakashi." I greeted him. I looked over at his friend. "Tenzo." I tilted my glass to him before I took a drink. Tenzo mimicked my actions.

"It's Yamato now."

"Yamato." I smiled as I once again titled my glass to him.

"What are you doing here (Y/N)?" Yamato spoke for the both of them. Kakashi still hadn't looked over at me. His knuckles were becoming white around the glass.

"Judging by your conversation, the same thing as you. Sasuke killed Itachi. My partner and I are here to get him."

"Your partner?" Kakashi spat the words from his mouth. Still he didn't turn to look at me.

"Yes my partner." I said with confidence knowing it was getting under Kakashi's skin.

"And where is he?" Kakashi finally looked at me. Hurt and anger present in his eye. "You leave him behind too?" His voice was snarky. Clearly he was still hurt from me abandoning him.

"Kakashi don't start that with me." I rolled my eyes as I fluffed off his attitude. I downed the rest of my drink and slammed in on the table. "Don't be an ass just because I have the upper hand on Sasuke." I teased him as I got up from me seat.

"You know where he is?" He called after me.

"We got to him first baby. He's an Akatsuki now." My voice was laced in arrogance as I dangled the information for him. I heard him abruptly get up from his seat and follow me out of the bar. His feet stomped behind me. It made me laugh at how easy it was to get him rilled up. Normally he was calm and collected but we had dated for years before I left the village. I knew the buttons to push.

When I got outside of the bar I turned on my heels to face him. "Are you joining me too my love?" The arrogance in my voice was still present as I continued to tease him. Yamato was quickly behind Kakashi. "You too Yamato?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Leave him out of this." Kakashi growled as he took a step closer to me.

"Or what baby? I already got Sasuke. What's one more?" I smirked at the two of them.

"The Akatsuki gave you an attitude problem (Y/N)." He scolded me as he continued to walk towards me. I stood my ground.

"Are you going to punish me for it?" His body was pressed against mine. His eye fought mine for dominance over the situation.

"Don't make me kill you (Y/N)." Kakashi whispered in my ear.

"I'd like to see you try my love." My voice lost its arrogant tone and was instead laced with sultry. He brought his hand up to my throat. I allowed him to choke me. I knew he wasn't going to do anything to me but turn me on. I looked him dead in the eye.

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