Shikamaru - Hurricane 💕

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Word Count - 2706

"Ah would you look at what the wind dragged in." Kiba's voice boomed across the bar. I made my way over to him.

"How are you doing (Y/N)?" He asked as he wrapped one arm around my shoulder to give me a half sided hug. I leaned against his shoulder and patted his chest.

"Busy." I laughed out.

"I can tell. I haven't seen you in months." Kiba got the attention of the bartender so I could order a drink.

"I thought it was time I joined the real world again." I laughed.

"Cheers to that. Let me treat you tonight." His hand around my shoulder snaked lower on my body until it rested in the curve of my waist. "What would you like?" He turned his attention to the bartender.

"Whiskey on the rocks." I smiled.

"Whiskey." He raised and eyebrow in my direction. "I figured when you left him you would leave his favorite drink in the past too." Kiba laughed.

"What can I say? I got used to it." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Whiskey it is." His hand squeezed around my waist pulling my closer to him. I did not think too much of his touch on my body. Shikamaru and I had broken up months prior. I was completely heart broken but I was finally ready to get back out there. If Kiba was my first stop then so be it.

Kiba guided me deeper into the bar. I saw our friends gathered at a table. I immediate got anxiety at the thought that Shikamaru would be here. I was going to run into him eventually. I thought I was ready but now that it could possibly be happening right now made me nervous.

"Kiba." I stopped my movements.

"Yes (Y/N)?" Kiba turned to look at me.

"Is he here?" I asked looking slightly down at the ground.

"Yes (Y/N)." I let out a shakey breath in response. "We don't have to go over there." Kiba informed me.

"I think I'll take a second. Maybe hang around the bar and get another drink." I shook my almost full drink before I took a large sip. The sting of the whiskey shot down my throat.

Kiba nodded. He turned our bodies in the direction of the bar.

We took seats next to each other at the bar. We laughed and talked. Kiba hands continued to roam my body. After ordering my third drink I finally had enough liquid courage to join our friends. I felt bad for keeping Kiba away all this time.

"I'm ready." I said to Kiba when my third drink arrived.

"Ready?" He questioned me.

"To go over there." I pointed in the direction of the table.

"Are you sure (Y/N)?" Kiba asked hesitant.

"Yeah why not. I have to go to the bathroom and it's on the way." I smiled at him.

"Okay let's go." He took my hand in his and lead the way.

"Kiba there you are!" I heard Naruto's voice in a shout per usual. "What took you so long?" He began questioning him.

"I got distracted." Kiba rubbed a hand behind his neck.

"Trying to find your victim for the night." Shikamaru teased him as he laughed. I missed his laugh.

"I mean if it's all right with you." Kiba turned his attention to me as he spoke. I didn't respond since I wasn't sure yet but squeezed his hand to give him some sort of reassurance that it wasn't off the table. I stepped beside him to finally be in view of everyone.

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