Kakashi - Mad 💕

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Word Count - 1796

"I don't see what the big deal is (Y/N)." Kakashi started immediately after we walked into our shared home. He closed the door behind him and started working on taking off his shoes. I was a couple steps ahead of him.

"Really? Are you fucking kidding me?" I spat throwing my hands up in disbelief. My footsteps were loud as I stomped towards the kitchen.

"(Y/N) come on baby it's not my fault." he whined as he followed behind me.

"Not your fault?! Not your fucking fault? Okay Kakashi." I spat again. I opened up the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. I grabbed a glass and pour myself the glass on white wine. I needed something to calm me down and Kakashi's inability to read the situation was not doing it for me. He watched my movements intently. I knew he was waiting for me to speak again. Every excuse he was giving me I was jumping down his throat. I took a sip of the wine before I started again. I finally looked over at him sitting on the opposite side of the counter than me. He eyes hung low in sadness and concern. Kakashi hated when we fought. He was a sweet man who had been hurt so many times and fighting triggered those memories. Some times when we fought he would be triggered into a rage that was hard to contain and ultimately extremely scary to me. Most times though when I would look into his eyes it seemed his soul was withering away from sadness. This was one of those times. I took another sip of wine.

"Kakashi you are a smart man. How don't you see that as a problem. If the roles were revered you would have had the waiter pinned against the wall screaming in his face about how I'm yours." The imaging I had of him doing this out of jealously lowkey turned me on. But I was mad at him. Now was not the time to get myself worked up. He had a sharp nose and he can always smell me right away.

"You're right (Y/N) I would be in his face." He emphasized the last part of his sentence trying to make his point. "His face not yours."

"But it's your fucking fault Kakashi." I spat again.
"I'm getting fucking tired of this." He slammed his hand down on the counter. The rage was coming. I tried not to flinch in anticipation of seeing the animal come out of him.

"You're tired of this Kakashi? Really that's pathetic. I'm so fucking tired of every damn time we leave the house I have to deal with dumb bitches flailing all over you." I spat at him before he could let his rage come out.

"I still don't see how that's my fault (Y/N)! Sorry I'm attractive to other people." He snarked sarcastically rolling his eyes. "But I take you home every night baby. What's the big fucking deal if girls coo over me?"

"What's the big fucking deal?" I spat in disbelief at his words throwing my hands in the air. I took the couple steps back so I could lean on the counter attached to the wall behind me. "The big fucking deal is that she gave you her fucking number!"
He stayed quiet so I continued my point.

"You didn't even make it a point to her that you were off the fucking market. Is that what you want Kakashi to be on the damn market?" My voice covered in a snarky attitude. He looked hurt at my words. The rage was completely gone from his eyes and the sadness was back.

"No baby that's not what I want."

"All you had to do was say one fucking time to her that I was yours. That you were taken. One fucking pet name in her presence. Or hell all you had to do was reach across the table and grab my hand. Anything to show we were together. She couldn't even tell we were on a date as I sat across from you. She thought you were free for her. Does that sound like a man wanting to be off the fucking market. You know how girls look at you when we are out. All you have to fucking do is touch me once and it ends. But you can't even do that. You want to leave your options open that bad and blatantly do that shit in front of me?" I was fuming as I ranted to him.

"Baby I didnt do shit."

"Exactly Kakashi. That's my fucking point. You didn't do shit and here we are. Girls giving you numbers right in front of me at your lack of doing shit." He wasn't getting anywhere with me. I could not understand his point in how he thought he was completely innocent in this. The innocent acted scared me. I felt like he was trying to pull to wool over me. Not touch me in public in order to keep those options open for when he leaves me. My insecurity coming to light. I knew I was an attractive women and most days I felt I was in Kakashi's league but after situations like these I didn't. He could get anyone. Granted he did chose me and that always stroked my ego at the thought. But when he didn't touch me in front of a girl so obviously cooing at him made me feel like he wanted her back. He didn't make it obvious to her that she couldn't have him. She was making her intentions obvious so why didn't he stop her. He must want her. I was convinced.

"I'm going to take a shower so you can call her now if you'd like." I huffed as I walked towards our master bathroom. He stayed silently and watched me leave. I knew he was about to call her. I shook my head in disbelief as a started the shower. My favorite way to collect my thoughts and calm down was a hot shower. Kakashi knew this so maybe he was just giving me my space. But I didn't want space right now. My insecurities told me he was up to no good when I left him alone. I tired to block out my thoughts. My anger turned to sadness at the thought of him doing that to me. I stepped in the shower to allow my tears to mix with the running water.

When I was finally calm I stepped out of the bathroom. Kakashi was sitting in the bed with his book in hand. He immediately looked up at me when he heard to door open. That was knew. I had never seen him tare is attention from his book so fast. He watched me silently as I went to the closet to grab some clothes. When I returned I sat at the end of his side of the bed.

"Baby" I started in a low whispered that I wouldn't be surprised if he missed. I stared my fingers in my lap. I felt him shift on the bed. "I don't want to go to bed mad at you. Please just talk to me about what's going on with us. If you want to leave me please be up front. If I'm not doing it for you please just tell me. I don't want to find out you were doing something behind my back. It was so obvious in front of me tonight. You hurt me really bad Kakashi and I don't want to stay around here if you are going to do that in front of me. It hurt baby." I whined out. I was so drained.

He moved so he could be behind me. He embraced me in a hug. He legs fell on either side of my body. His arms wrapped tightly around me. He pulled my back into his chest and nuzzled his head in my neck. He gave me a soft kiss on the neck. "Baby." He hummed against my skin. "I would be dumb to leave you. You said so yourself I'm a smart man." I knew he found joy in complimenting himself as I felt a small smile press against my neck. He gave me another kiss before nestling his arms more comfortably around me scooting me even closer to his chest if it was possibly. "I love you baby. I want to be with you and no one else. Please believe me." He took a pause and I let out a shaky breath. "My love please believe me." He begged me. I remained quiet. I was so drained. I leaned into him a bit to signal for him to continue. "I want you. I want the life we have built together. I'm sorry she gave me her number. I dont feel like I need to apologize on someone else's behalf. It's not my fault she couldn't see how in love with you I am." I sigh loudly and try to get out of his embrace. How does it still not get it. He pulled me in tighter. "I was touching you all night baby and I was calling you baby when I did. I never miss an opportunity to do so. You know me baby I can't keep my hands off of you. I know you were clouded in jealous and it's easy to only remember the thing you want but baby trust me I was marking you as mine when she would come to our table. I saw the intention in her eyes and I was trying to shoot her down. It's not my fault she didn't see how in love with you I am." He repeated his earlier phrase. But this time I accepted it. I learned back into his embrace to signal to him that I accepted it. "Are we okay baby?" I simply nodded. Too tired to say anything else. "Tell me we are okay baby." He begged me. I turned around in his embrace. I grabbed his face between my hands and leaned in for a soft touch of our lips.

"We are okay baby." I said softly looking into his eyes. "We are okay." I repeated. He gave me another kiss.

"I love you." He said shifting us to a laying down positions. I was still wrapped against him.

"I love you baby."

"Now let's go to bed my jealous baby." He gave me a kiss on the forehead. I was too tired to banter with him calling me jealous. After all that's what my fit was about.

"I love you" I called to him one last time before falling asleep.

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