Tobirama - The Way 🍋

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Word Count - 2176

I woke up to the glaring sun making its way through my blinds. It was early in the morning. I felt the pounding headache from my actions the night before. I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I looked rough. My hair was all over the place and hickeys littered my neck. I ran my hands through my hair as I used the bathroom and then headed back to bed. But I was surprised to see someone still there. Tobirama. I stood in my doorway staring at him unsure of what to do. He looked so handsome sleeping in my bed. His hair looked as disheveled as mine but it looked good on him. I wasn't sure if I should crawl back in my bed or leave now that I was aware of his presence. I wasn't sure how our activities last night would impact our relationship in the light of the morning. I was still tired though. I decided to get back in bed. I could go back to pretending that I didn't know he was there until he woke up and slipped out. I laid beside him gently. I did not want to disturb him. I tried to close my eyes but the memories of last night were coming back to me.

I was out at the bar with a couple friends enjoying a girls night out. At some point in the night Tobirama had gotten there. We were close friends. I had always had a crush on him but I was too scared to tell him. I knew him well and knew he wasn't interested in the traditional aspects of settling down in life. I on the other hand was. He was 10 years my senior and the girls my age were busy getting married and having kids. I wanted to take part in that too. But unfortunately for me my sights were set on someone who felt the desires I had in life were mundane. There would be times we would walk through the village together and I would coo at the children and inform him of how I couldn't wait to be a mother some day and his response was always the same. That life was not meant for him. I had tried in the past to go on dates here and there but my thought were always of Tobirama. I had tried hard to get over my feelings for him with no luck. But luck was definitely on my side last night in the way i was always craving in my heart.

When Tobi got there I separate myself from the girls I originally was there with. Most of them were ready to go home to their husbands and kids but I had no obligations so I was not ready to be done for the night. Tobirama and I sat at the bar ordering one drink after another. We were laughing and talking about random things. When we got drunk it was typical for us to be handsy with each other. But it was friendly. Nudges here and there or playful taps. At one point his hand rested on my thigh. It was normal for him to touch me but not normal for him to linger. I hadn't paid any mind to it though. I had even taken my hand in his and played with the fingers that rested on me. When we eventually called it a night he walked me home. When we got to the stoop of my apartment I turned to say goodbye to him. Instead of the nonchalant goodbye he typically gave me I was taken into his arms and pressed against his chest. I returned his hug. I was much smaller than him so I was buried in his embrace.

"Goodnight (Y/N)." He gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight Tobi." I pulled back from our hug and looked up at him in his eyes. I gave him a small smile with a hint of pink spread to my cheeks. He made me nervous under his intense stare. He didn't move for a moment. He just looked deep into my eyes. My blush got darker. I looked away to try and calm myself down. He took a finger under my chin and lifted my head to look into his eyes again. He didn't stare at me for long this time before his lips pressed against mine. I was stunned at his action but returned the kiss. I had been wanting this for so long but never knew how to tell him. Our kiss deepened. He had me pressed against my door as we made out under the moonlight. When we pulled back for air I took the opportunity to fiddle in my pocket for my key. I looked away from him and turned myself in his arms to face the door I was trying to unlock.

"I'm sorry (Y/N). I shouldn't have done that." He said nuzzling himself against my neck. He gave me a couple kisses on my neck. I learned my head to the side to give him better access. I opened the door and stepped in. He stayed attached to my back side. He closed the door behind us with his foot. I turned in his arms to look at him again.

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