Good Company

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The only thing Brian did was mope. For 2 months. This is insane! Roger thought to himself, as he watched Brian sit around, cry, (eat a fuck load of mint chocolate chip ice cream (most popular ice cream flavour in the 1970's) )and watch sappy romance movies.

"That's it!" Roger said to Brian. You've been so depressed over what? A girl who wanted to name her daughter Angela? Please! How fucking basic!" (Sorry for anyone named Angela, google said it was one of the most popular girl names in the UK, mid 1970's <3)

"Tess wasn't THAT basic, and she was pretty, too! Y'know, most guys were shocked to see that I could pull her!" Brian remarked, crossing his arms and pouting.

"Well she isn't that beautiful, compared to this!" Roger struck a pose, smiling sweetly, hoping to get Brian out of his stupid funk. 

"And any guy who thinks you can't pull needs to get their eyes fixed. or ripped out..." Roger said. 

He sighed and leapt onto the couch, onto Brian. "Come on man, you look so depressed! Why wont you just go outside! See the sun! It's been 2 fucking months Brian! There are so many other crabs in the sea!"

"Isn't it supposed to be fish?" Brian asked. 

"what?" Roger questioned. He knew that it WAS fish, but he knew that Brian found this funny, so he continued.

"There are so many other FISH in the sea," Brian said.

"potato tomato!" Roger exclaimed.

"Huh?" Brian was getting more and more confused. "Don't you mean potato potAHto tomato tomAHtO?"

"Never heard of that before." Roger was happy to see that his antics were making Brian laugh.

"OK, since you are happy now, we are going to the club." Roger said matter-of-factly, straightening his nonexistent tie and marching away. "And your showering! And shaving!" He called back.

"Why shaving?" Brian answered.

"Cause you look like Jesus with that beard!" Roger called out. "Little baby Brian and his big Jesus beard, off to save the day!"

"Really, Roger? And if anyone is a baby, its you. I'm like, 2 whole years older." Brian mumbled, slumping over to the bathroom.

"Oh really?" Roger laughed. "Cause you're acting like a child!" 


2 hours later, at the bar.


"Looky here, Bri!" Roger squealed. Brian was slumped in a corner, and it was Rogers third time walking back with a new drink. 

"Look!!! That silly man over there calls this a mosquito!!!" Roger placed the drink on the table. 

"You mean a mojito?" Brian asked. 

"No, no. I'm SURE that he said mosquito." Roger was absolutely shitfaced. "Try some, Bri!" Roger waved the drink in his face, the drink sloshed around. 

"Oopsies!" Roger giggled. 

"No thanks, mate." Brian said, taking the drink from Roger and putting it on the table. "I'm driving, Rog! I can't drink. I don't drink that much, really. You knew that!" 

"Oh, your always so responsible!" Roger took a sip of the drink and swayed. "Your so different. Me and Freddie and Deaky too... We always drink ourselves silly, but you... you don't do that. That makes you special." He points at Brian and laughs giddily. He stumbles backwards and falls onto someone.  

"Hey! What the fuck man!" The man shouts. furiously. 

"Sorry, sorry." Roger says. He looks up at the man and frowns. He didn't mean to do anything. What's got his knickers in such a twist?

The man pushes Roger, causing him to fall again. "How do you like that! " The man looks down at Roger, his face an ugly shade of purple. Gross, Roger thought. 

"I don't like it very much, thanks mate." Roger stands up, just to get a bottle thrown at his face. 

"What's going on here?" Brian walked over and looked down at the man.

"N-nothing!" Said the man nervously, as Brian was much taller than him and he felt intimidated.

"What is your name, sir?" Brian asked calmly.

"Paul. Paul Prenter, sir." The man said sarcastically, trying to assert himself. 

"Ah, I see. Well Paul, how would you like it if I punched you in the nose?" Brian said, as Roger stared. He had never seen his friend act so violently before. 

Paul ran. Brian looked over at Roger. Roger was grinning. 

"That was so cool, Brian!" Roger praised. That's when Brian remembered that Roger was completely, totally, entirely wasted. 

"Oh, god. We should get you home. Up, up." Brian said, helping Roger to his feet as he teetered out of the bar. 

Roger spoke first as Brian was driving them back to their flat. 

"I have a secret. And I haven't told ANYBODY." Roger said, his voice slurred here and there. 

"Roger, you're drunk. If it's an important secret, you should probably wait." Brian said seriously. 

"I-I-I.... I think I've forgotten!" Roger laughs, which makes Brian smile. 

"Ooh! I remember!" Roger gasps. 

"I love-" Roger steps forward. A WHOOSH! As a car speeds by. It's Paul's face in the drivers seat. Brian screams. 


Hello my beauties! Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger... I stayed up until around 4 a.m. last night watching Bohemian Rhapsody. Oops.... But who could blame me? I'm currently listening to In the lap of the gods (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!). I will be writing more soon enough. Alright. I also wanted to say, if anyone didn't know, Paul Prenter was a real person, who was also meaner than he was in this chapter. (If Paul didn't exist, Freddie would probably have had a better life. If you don't understand, do some research.) 

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(This is what Brian and Roger look like in these chapters, just to give you guys an Idea)

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(This is what Brian and Roger look like in these chapters, just to give you guys an Idea)

Ok!!! Love you!!


-Dahlia <3

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