Radio Ga Ga

19 1 4

F"ROGER, NO!" Brian shouts as Roger shuts his eyes, potentially at risk of falling asleep and never waking up. He stops short, causing Roger to slowly open his eyes and lightly lift his head in pain.

"Ouchie, Bri. Don't do that. Its hurts. Real bad. Why is my arm wet? I dunno..." Roger laid his head back down and started muttering about cheesecake or an earthquake or something like that, waving his arms around to make his point. 

Brian looked back and sighed. He reminded himself to never let Roger go to a blood drive, because if he acts drunk like this after losing blood, he shouldn't donate blood, ever. Drunk Roger is a problem, so incredibly woozy post-shooting Roger is probably a problem as well...

We're here... Come on, Roggy.." Brian went to Roger's aid as quickly as he could, walking into the hospital, with Roger stumbling at his side.

"Please! Please! My-my-my-Um. My Friend," Brian slightly grinned and looked back at Roger. Roger's face scrunched up in disgust when he heard the word friend, which made both of them laugh, even though Roger was in inexplicable pain.

Roger's face filled with pain as his chest heaved from laughing, and painfully silent tears started to slowly run down his face. That's when Brian remembered where they were, and how Roger could be dying and they don't know it yet. His tone filled with panic again as he turned back to the nurse. 

"Well, He-he was shot!" Brian told the nurse at the front desk.

The nurse raised her eyebrows. She grabbed a phone that was at one of the big blue desks behind her and started saying some weird medical words and numbers into it.

Brian sighed with relief. Roger was a bit woozy and was still acting deliriously drunk after losing a fuck ton of blood, but it was going to be alright. Maybe? It will be alright. It has to be. 


A couple hours later


Roger was sleeping soundly in his hospitable bed, with Brian reading, sitting next to him.

Roger started waking up slowly, which caught Brian's attention.

"What happened?" Roger looked around the hospital room, his eyes wide.

"You were shot in the shoulder, Rog."


"The doctor said you'll be fine, though... They took out the bullet."


Brian started rambling about how he was so scared and that the bullet his some bone, but that ugly sweater with the car on it that he refused to take off before they went to the mall kind of slowed down the bullet a bit saved him and how it didn't hit a bone, just the flesh, so its going to hurt and scar a lot but it will be okay. 

Roger's face filled with the realization that he could have died, and he realized that he needed to tell Brian something, because if he doesn't tell him now, would he ever actually tell him? 

"Bri-Brian?" Roger stuttered, looking over at his boyfriend.

"Yes, love?" Brian responded, stopping his rant and putting his hand on Roger's unwounded arm.

"Y-Y'know my song? The one that I wrote?" Roger said softly.

"You've written plenty of songs, Roger."

"No, no. The song that I wrote. Radio Gaga."

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I know it? It's a hit! And the dance is pretty fun, too..." Brian mumbled, getting lost in his thoughts. 

"You're radio." 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello my beauties! you have finally found out half of what the title of the book means! I made this a short chapter so you wouldn't have to read a lot of stuff until you figure out what happened to Roger. 

I have a REALLY difficult math test today, which sucks. I don't really know. 

I'm listening to Tenement Funster. Next is White Man. I don't even like that song that much. I think I'm going to skip it...

Like I have mentioned every chapter, SHORT CHAPTERS! 

I actually just looked at the word counter and 727 words are not that bad....

So its actually not a short chapter. 

I'm adding these words to level it out and make the word count 755. 

I've been reading other Maylor stories, because most of them are actually really interesting, and I've noticed that most of the time when author notes are added, the author mentions that the chapters are going to be shorter. 

It's actually insanely relatable. Writing long chapters with 1,500 words is difficult, mentally draining, and they mostly don't even contribute to the plot that much.  

Tired. Tired. Tired. Tired. Tired. 

Did I mention that I'm really tired? Like insanely? 

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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