Pause For A Poem

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I wrote a little sonnet to a loved one about how I've been recently, (My mental health and relationships)

I wrote this sonnet because I'm sad. I'm depressed, guys.  

This poem is for two different people, one of whom reads this book. (Sup pooks) 

Posting this because I'm bored. Slay for me, I guess. 

I'm still posting the next chapter at 12:00, but this doesn't really count as a chapter. 

Also, today I went on Pinterest and found a silly little picture of Deaky, and I took a point five photo of the picture and sent it to my friend and convinced her that it was a guy from our school. 


How happy does it make you when I cry? 

When I sit and weep, does it make you proud? 

The embarrassment makes me want to die. 

I'm quiet, but my calls for help are loud. 

I believe you know how much I love you. 

Why do you want to make me feel this way? 

I see you've found a new someone, but who?

Were you aiming for me to die today? 

All I would like is for this shit to end.

Because you're important and my best friend. 

 I'm so emo 😔


Love you!

-Dahlia <3

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