I Guess We're Falling out

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"Tess?" Brian said into the phone. 

"Brian? Why the fuck are you calling me its eleven at night." Tess answered. Her voice was tense and a bid sad. 

"I just... needed somewhere to stay? Just for the night..." Brian said. He was embarrassed, but he couldn't go to Johns house's house! Who knows what he does with his wife, even with guests around? And Freddie? He would ask him way too many questions and then he would tell Roger everything after, and then force him to practice for their tour of America until 2:00 a.m! 

Shit. The America tour. Freddie and John always share a room, and Brian and Roger share a room as well! What was he going to do? Were they broken up for good? Were they broken up at all? Roger never said that they were done, but context clues? 

"Uh.... God Brian... I guess you can stay?" Tess said, sighing. Oh yeah. that's why the telephone was in his hand. 

"Thank you. I'll get there before midnight. See you?" 

"See you, Bri." Tess hung up.

Brian got out a pair of pajamas, some products for his hair, and an outfit for the next day. He chose his stripy shirt and a pair of jeans. He left, hopped into his car and drove to Tessa's house.

He sighed as he looked at the familiar streets and that cherry red door.  

(This is what her house would look like, it was her parents' house in the 50's and they gave it to her when they moved to the states.)

"Hey, Brian

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"Hey, Brian." Tess said as she answered the door. She was wearing a Queen t-shirt. HIS Queen t-shirt! And did she have any pants on? Brian wasn't sure. 

"Hello, Tessa..." Brian said awkwardly, walking in. 

"Why the hell are you here, Brian?" Tessa asked. (I know I keep switching in and out of calling her her Tess and Tessa,  But her name is Theresa and Brian calls her Tess, but since they have broken up, he's started calling her Tessa.) 

"I'm here because... I was kicked out..." Brian says, rubbing the back of his neck in shame.

"Why were you kicked out?" Tessa was obviously going to continue asking questions until she knows everything, so Brian might as well answer. 

"I'm dating this person-" God its so fucking awkward to say that to Tessa. "And we went to the bar, and this random girl kissed me, and they saw and thought I was cheating..." 

"So, Roger thought you really were fully straight so he told you to leave?" Tessa folded her arms and stared at Brian.

"How did you-?" Brian faltered. 

"Simple. Roger never let me move in. So he wouldn't have anyone else move in either. That's why you were kicked out.  Also, he's been in love with you since like, forever. He had to tell you one day."Tessa sat down triumphantly. 

"Yeah, that's basically it. I tried to explain, but he told me to leave him alone." 

"Oh. I see. So are you officially broken up? Tessa got up and sat next to Brian. 

"I... Think so? I really don't know. He ran 6 fucking miles back! And then he curled up in his bed and wouldn't listen. I tried to explain, I really did! That girl was hitting on me and then snogged me without my permission and I didn't want to snog her back! But he said that he wanted to be alone and told me to go away and he was really sad, probably because the last time he was with someone, remember Amy? She totally cheated on him with that one guy... What's his name? Brad? I think it was Brad. And then his girlfriend after that, Jennifer, cheated on him with that guy Chris, So he's like, terrified of dating now, so I guess he's like, super scarred for life now, cause he thinks that 3 people he dated cheated on him in a row, which sucks and I would never do that, but he thinks I would, and I feel really guilty for not just running back to him. And that girl who kissed me? I didn't even know her name! And he's probably crying right now and I don't want him to be sad cause he's my friend and I just wish he heard me when she took me away!" 

Brian shuddered. He didn't know he had all that in him.

"Wow. That must really suck." Tessa put her arm around his shoulder, looked him in the eyes, and kissed him.

And he kissed back.


Hello my beauties! Here is some more, um. trauma for you all! 

I really relate to Brian's rant, because my conversations with my friends always sidetrack just like that. For example: "And I feel so bad because he broke her heart! What was his name? Deven? Yeah, Deven. Ooh, remember that time when Deven H. Sent me pictures of his new haircut and it looked so ugly? OMG yeah!!!" 

I'm listening to Bohemian Rhapsody, and this chapter took 3 freaking hours and I have to finish it in 2 minutes because in 2 minutes I'm posting chapter 4, (Yes most of these where drafts) and that's scary because its our big plot twist and I'm scared of what people are going to think!

Also, Most of the parts i've written had like, 700 words, and I expected this one to have like, 450, but its literally at a whopping 941 words! What?!

I'm in love with Brian's guitar solo in Bo Rhap!! 

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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