You And I

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(Bri and Rog in 6th grade. I know that Brian mentioned that he was 2 years older at some point, but i'm tweaking their age for this chapter, because I'm the author and I can do whatever I want.)

"C'mon!" Roger shouted, running towards the swings.

"HELP!!" Brian shouted, reaching out his arms towards Roger. Kids swarmed past him to go play on the playground.

Roger ran back and grabbed Brian's wrist. He pulled Brian out of the crowd of children. 

Brian gasped and held his hand to his chest, panting.  He sighed with relief.

"Thanks, Roggy..." Brian sighed again and looked at the two boys who just started using the swings. Roger's face fell, but he looked back at Brian and smiled sadly. 

"It's ok, Bri... I'll be ok. Maybe we could go talk to Tim...? He said he wants to rehearse..." 

(So, when Roger mentioned when he was confessing his love that he loved Brian since smile, he loved him since 6th grade, so basically, he's loved him for around 9/10 years..)

Brian walked up to the boys in the swing and glared at them. Since he was so tall, he looked more like he was 14 than 12. 

"We were going to use these..." Brian looked down at the boys. Henry Sheffield and Marco Ricci. This was going to be easy. 

 We had just finished... COME ON!" Marco whisper-shouts to Henry as they rushed off. If Brian knew one thing, it was that those boys were terrified of Tim, and with Roger and Brian being friends with him, they were scary too. 

"Thanks... You didn't need to do that" Roger said, rubbing his arm. 

"I know how much you love the swings. You are always the first person to use them after school goes out... So.... Roger Taylors first!" Brian grinned and motioned for Roger to get on the swings. Roger sat down and Brian sat in the swing next to him.

"Thanks, Bri.." Roger started to swing, grinning from ear to ear. 

"No problem, Roggy." Brian started to swing too.

And there she was. Cynthia Joseph. One of the prettiest girls in school. She walked up to where the boys were swinging and looked at Brian. They both stopped swinging and exchanged confused looks. 

"Hey," She giggled, covering her mouth with her hands. 

"Ummm, hi?" Brian responded, confused. Cynthia had never talked to him before. He always thought she didn't know he existed. 

"I need to talk to you." 

"Who, me?" Roger said, standing up. 

"Nooooo, him." She said, practically ripping Brian off the swings and pulling him aside.

"I have a huuuuuge crush on you." She said, twirling her hair, making a feeble attempt at flirting. 

"Oh, Uhhhh..." Brian said, not knowing what to say. But for one thing, he KNEW he didn't like her back. 

Cynthia grabbed his hands. 

"Can we be boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked, batting her eyelashes.

"Oh, Um, Uh. N-nnooooo?" Brian stuttered.

"Awesome! Thanks!" Cynthia stood on her tip toes and kissed Brian on the cheek, then skipped away.

Roger watched the scene with wide eyes. What just happened? Brian never mentioned liking Cynthia once! He never even mentioned knowing Cynthia! Roger wished that he could have hit her in the face "accidentally" with his converse when she had walked over. 

That was the  start of a war. The battle of Cynthia Joseph and the wrath of Roggy. 


Hello my beauties!I'm currently writing this book that was recommended by a fan... What if there was a book that instead of Roger, It was Liz Taylor? Bri and Liz? Make it straight? 

No idea. Maybe I would write one about them in high school? Maybe i'll do a poll. Or just ask that one reader who comments on everything I have written. 

I don't know. Just coming up with some things. Maybe a murder mystery? Maybe a thriller? No clue. 

Listening to Under Attack (My absolute FAVORITE Mamma Mia song) 

Yes, there is a You And I part two. Its great cause it's based off of a true story. No, I have not proofread anything, except like, the first 3 chapters.. Right now, i'm writing the 20th chapter.... I cant believe that. 

Long ass author notes core? I'll stop now. 

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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