Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow

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TW! Guns/ shooting. 

"Ok, I just don't understand why you don't like the song!" Freddie says, looking at the lyrics of their new song. They were sitting in the mall food court, debating. 

"The song doesn't have any meaning whatsoever." John said, crossing his arms and looking at the rest of the band. 

"Its an artistic masterpiece!" Freddie says, looking at the song. The song was Yeah. 

Brian just smiled, laughed a bit, and thought about him and Roger's date later. 

"In my opinion, I-" Roger was cut short by a huge BANG! A gunshot. The sound of a woman screaming. It was like the entire mall just woke up from a big nap. 

Then there was chaos. 

Brian crashed into Rogers arms, scared. 

"What are you doing?! RUN!" Freddie grabbed John's arm and ran out of the building. 

Another gunshot. 

Someone crashed into Roger, causing him and Brian to fall. 

A siren. 

A scream. 

"We-we need to go... NOW!" Brian picked himself up and started to run. He looked back. 

Where was Roger?

"ROGER! ROG!" Brian's head was pounding. Another gunshot. People swarmed past him, getting to the exit. Having the ability to be safe. Brian wished he could do that. But he couldn't leave. Not without Roger. 

Then, he spotted him. Roger, on the ground, covered in blood. 

"ROGER!" Brian rushed over and grabbed him. Roger was limp. 

He was barely breathing.  Brian held him in his arms and ran out of the door. 

He placed Roger carefully in the backseat and slammed on the gas. 

"R-Roggy, it'll be ok... we'll get you to the hospital.. You'll be fine..." Brian started to cry.

"Bri... everything hurts..." Roger muttered. His eyes were scarcely open. He was obviously struggling to stay conscious. 

"No, Rog, Rog, stay awake, stay here, with me!" Brian tried his best to keep Roger with him.

"My arm hurts, Bri... can you make it better? I want to take a nap..." he shut his eyes. 



Hello my beauties! Love me like there's no tomorrow is NOT a Queen song, it's one of Freddie's singles. It's Freddie's only single that I  like. Also, I cried so much watching this, but it insanely fits the chapter. If you don't want to cry, don't listen/watch the music video, because it hits hard personally, because of Freddie and Jim.

So, this chapter was originally planned to be around 2000 words, and it was going to be the whole story, but I like suspense. 

I'm listening to Bohemian Rhapsody (its currently at Bri's solo) next on the cue is Meant To Be Yours from Heather's... I love this song with a passion. Its just such a banger :D








Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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