Get Down, Make Love

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Hello My beauties!

 This chapter is basically just spice, and it doesn't really apply to the plot, it kind of just adds on to the last chapter. So if you aren't really a fan of smut, please skip it! (the spice is only a couple of sentences until a silly little moment!) 

I have a couple of friends who told me to make this chapter, so with lots of their help, (Because I'm Asexual and I feel a bit uncomfortable and awkward writing about sexual experiences. I'm not trying to be a bitch saying that, its just a bit of a me thing?) but here it is! (I adore this song though. its an absolute head banger. That was a Mamma Mia reference if anyone got it.) 

Love you! 

-Dahlia <3


Once they were inside,  Roger started walking towards Brian, and gave him a sloppy kiss. That kiss escalated To both of them on the bed, Brian kissing Rogers neck. His hands roaming around to his shirt, slowly starting to lift it. He stopped. 

"Is this OK?" He asked Roger. 

"Yes, keep going. God keep going." Roger started to tug at Brian's belt buckle. He let it go free and Brian's pants fell to the floor with the smallest thud. 

Brian tugged off Roger's pants as well, throwing them to the floor. Rodger went into his dresser drawer and pulled out two condoms. He handed one to Brian, ripped open the package of his, and rolled it on. 

Sounds of pleasure escaped from each mans mouths as their lips collided. This lasted for a good 46 minutes until the door smashed open and who was standing in the doorway? Freddie. Fucking. Mercury. Roger and Brian covered themselves with the blanket, their cheeks flushing a deep shape of pink. 

"Freddie!" Roger shouted, unable to move because of his predicament of being, well, naked. 

"Yes, dear?" Freddie said, completely unfazed.

"You cant just kick our fucking doors down without knocking!" Brian says, covering himself with the blanket so that just his face and poof of hair is out.

"Oh well." Freddie said. "Just wanted to tell you that we got a massive gig. Tour of America!" Freddie squealed. 

"Couldn't you have just called, realized that we weren't answering, and left it off for tomorrow?" Roger sighed.

"I could have done that, but where's the fun in that?" Freddie spun around to leave. "Also, you guys are out of chocolate." Freddie added as he started to walk out. 

"No we aren't..?" Roger said and was wondering why Freddie would say that.

"You are now!" Freddie snatched their bin of sweets, opening a Cadbury curly wurly and snacking on it as he walked out. 

"Wanker!" Roger yelled as Freddie slammed the door. 

Roger and Brian looked at each other and started having a laughing fit.


Hello again, my beauties! 

My friends really wanted me to add this chapter, so I did. (cries.)

Listening to Eh-oh. If you don't know what that is, that's the thing Freddie did at live aid with the crowd. God, I love watching live aid. I was wearing purple cargo pants and some little girl said she loved them and that made my day. Ok. All done. 

Love you! 


-Dahlia <3

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