Bicycle Race

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That morning, Brian woke up seeing Roger's head laying on his chest. He smiled and tapped Roger on the head. 

"Wakey wakey, Rog!" Brian cheered and sat up. Roger grumbled and rubbed his eyes.

"Watcha do dat foe?" Roger said, his voice slurring as he practically fell out of bed. He looked totally hungover, except for the fact that he was completely  sober the night before.

"I was wondering if you wanted to ride our bikes at the park? With Freddie and Deaky? Freddie wanted to write some songs there, to, I don't know, "advertise" or some shit. Lets go! Up, up." Brian said cheerily. How can he be so happy at 9:30 in the morning? Roger thought to himself. He stumbled around the flat, getting ready. 

After 2 coffees and a kiss from Brian, Roger was ready to leave. 


the park


"DARLINGS!" Freddie shouted, causing a startled jump from Brian. 

Freddie made a feeble attempt at a cartwheel, and fell. On his face. 

"Shit!" Freddie screamed when he saw blood. He whacked his face so hard, it bled. 

"Nah mate, that's not shit, its blood." Roger joked as Freddie looked up at him with murderous intent.

"Oh I'm gonna get you! You blonde slut! I bet if we had a fucking movie made about us there would be a Roger's partner #1, #2, and a goddamn #3!!!!!" Freddie screeched and body slammed Roger. 

"Oh God!" Deaky shouted and ripped Freddie off of a startled Roger. "People. Are. Staring." Look. I brought a picnic basket. OoOoh pretty food! See?" Deaky waved the basket around the boys faces. "Mary helped me pack it!" Deaky said, grinning. His smile could light up an entire stadium. 

"Aww how sweet!" a disgruntled Roger said, sitting on the grass. He patted for Brian to sit next to him. Brian obliged and laid down into his lap. 

"Like cheese." brian mumbled and looked at his fingernails. 

"What?" Roger asked, looking at Bri. 

"You know, Sweet! Like cheese!" Brian explained, the rest of the band staring at him, totally confused. 

"Huh." Deaky said, munching on a piece of cheese and toast.

"You know, sweet, like cheese- You know what? Nevermind." Brian said. 

"Oh, guess what, Rog!" Deaky said, rummaging through the picnic basket. "last night, Me and Ronnie ordered Japanese, and we saved you the leftovers!" Deaky passed Roger a takeout box and Roger grabbed it greedily and started slurping up the noodles. 

"Roger, wouldn't you like a fork?" Deaky asked, looking at Roger using his hand, shoving the food in his face. 


This Is what I was thinking when I wrote this part, so just imagine Roger slurping up the noodles like this. :)


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"Yom." Roger said, little bits of noodles falling out of his mouth and onto Brian's chest.

"EWWW! That's fucking nasty!" Brian said and started throwing the noodles back at Roger. 

"What is the phrase Yom?" Freddie asks, and totally side eyed Roger.  

"Um, Yom. Its like, um. I actually don't know?" Roger answers, still slurping up his Japanese food. 

Once they had finished their food, Deaky realized that he needed to get back to his wife and Freddie needed to feed his cats. That left Roger and Brian alone. 

"Wanna race home?" Roger grabbed his bike and looked at Brian. 

"You are NOT challenging me to a bicycle race, Roger Meddows Taylor!" Brian hopped up to get his bike too. 

Both of them pedaled home. Brian beat Roger by a landslide, as to Roger shouting, "You great king rat!" 

Laughing, both men walked into their house. 

"Does this mean we're boyfriends?" Roger asked Brian as they walked into their room.

"Umm, what?" Brian said. He was shocked!

"You know, we've confessed our love so... boyfriends?"

"Fuck yes!" Brian says. 

He gave him a big kiss and they went to Brian's bedroom. 

Pants fell that night. 


hello my beauties! This chapter was mostly a filler+fluff, but I added a little something for your enjoyment (Wink wink).

 I know that like, 5 people are reading this, but it really makes my day seeing that people actually enjoy what I do! 

 Currently listening to Get Down, Make Love, which was my inspo for the last sentence. No, I did not proofread...


Love you! 


-Dahlia <3

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