One year of love

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New Years Eve, some time in the late 1970's/early 80's. (I've decided you get to choose)


5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Roger and Deaky pop open a champagne bottle, and they both gasp when it spills into Brian's hair. 

"Oh shit. I'm screwed." Roger says as Brian looks at his hair In one of their mirrors. 

Surprisingly, Brian seemed awfully chill about it. 

Instead of going crazy and totally beating Roger's ass, he walks over to Freddie and whispers something in his ear. Freddie looks back at Brian and nods, a troublesome, chaotic look spreads on his face.

 Freddie runs over to Roger, and jumps onto him. Roger tussles with Freddie for a couple seconds, until he's able to escape Freddie's wrath and runs to hide in the cupboard. 

Freddie catches up quickly, though. Rogers eyes trail from Freddie's face to Brian staring at both of them, grinning maliciously. Roger runs to the fridge and pulls out a chocolate chip cookie. He stares at it for a second. What the hell is he going to do with a chocolate chip cookie? He holds out the cookie to be used as the most useless protection in the world, and it actually kind of worked! Freddie snatches the cookie and eats it all in one bite. He hops up onto the table and cackles, chocolate chips and crumbs slipping out of his mouth. 

"I," Freddie says, more cookie falling onto his shirt and the table. Brian gasps. He's terrified. Freddie's probably gonna break the table, not to mention himself as well! 

"I am the cookie GOD!" Freddie cackles, snatching Rogers champagne and raising the glass. 

"A toast," Freddie says. "To the tour of America!" 

"To America!" The rest of the band says. How did Fred go from a completely chaotic gremlin to a celebratory half drunk functional person?  Freddie hops down, rummages through Brian and Roger's fridge, finds a bagel, chucks the bagel at Deaky's head, and skips out of the flat. 

"What just happened?" Roger said, pouring out a new glass of champagne.

"He'll probably be knocking on the door soon enough. And GOD he's made an awful mess." Brian said, sweeping up the cookie crumbs and putting his discarded glasses in the sink. 

"Owwwww..." Was all that Deaky could say. He rubbed his head, crouched down, picked up the bagel, and started eating it. 

"Ooh nice bagel!" Deaky said, chomping loudly. 

They  soon hear sad knocks at the door. 

"lemme innnnnnnnn" Freddie whines outside the door. 

"No." Roger says bluntly.

"But I'm specialllll." Freddie said. He sounded like a toddler. 

"How are you so special?" Deaky called out, still munching that bagel. 

"I'm a fairy king?" Freddie says.  He sounds like he's asking a question, not stating a fact. (That's a Queen song, by the way....) 

"No your not." Brian says.

"But I am, I really am!" Freddie says, back with the whining. 

"Ok guys, it's been funny, but he's quite drunk, we should probably let him in." Roger said, opening the door.

"Wow, look at Mr. responsible here." Brian says, helping Freddie In before he passes out on the couch. 

"Looks like he will be staying the night. What about you, Deaky?" Roger asked. 

"Nah, promised Ronnie i'd be back by 1:30, and its already 1:12." Deaky said, checking his watch. 

"Bye, Deaks!" Roger and Brian say, almost in  unison. 

Roger and Brian look over at Freddie, who had passed out on the couch, snoring loudly. 

"Now that its just us," Brian said, "Excluding this lug over there," He added,

"Happy new year, my love." Brian said, cupping Rogers cheek and giving him a kiss.

Roger kisses him back, smiling.

They both change, share another kiss, and fall asleep. What an amazing year it's going to be.


Hello my beauties! Yes, I know its spring. But I had this idea and couldn't resist! 

I'm listening to don't stop me now, it is 4:08 in the morning, I feel like i'm going to pass out, but my brain made me feel obligated to finish this chapter. 

I have a biology test soon! I need to revise! I need to find a time to do that...

another thing is that i'm an introvert so I have decided to make them a bit introverted as well, making most of the chapters in their flat. I'm going to add a picture just so you guys can have an image of their house. There would be a bit more furniture, but this is basically what it looks like. 

Love you!

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Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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