These Are The Days Of Our Lives

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Brian took Roger's hand, hearing the clink of their rings hitting each other. They looked around their house, at the boxes, the people putting the boxes into trucks, and the sign on the front lawn that says sold. Roger exhales and squeezes Brian's hand. He squeezes his hand back. They both look back at the rest of the group. 

Robert is staring at the house, his eyes wide. 

"Does moving away mean that you don't live here anymore?" Robert's eyes fill with tears as he grabs his Dad's leg and looks back at the house. 

"Yes, Robby. It means we don't go to this house anymore." Roger responded, his eyes filling with tears as well.

"Why are you leaving?" Robert's voice wavered.

"Because it's time for us to start fresh. And we aren't moving too far, it's only a 40 minute drive!" Brian reassured him, kneeling down. 

Robert ripped away from his Dad to give both men a hug.

"I'll miss you." Robert held them tight, sniffling. 

Roger was at a loss for words. He was crying too. He was on the ground, holding Robert in his arms. Brian was beside him, muttering things and rubbing his back. 

Freddie walked over, picked Robert up to let him go back to his parents, hugged them both, and walked away without saying a word. 

Brian walked up to everyone, hugged them all again, and waved as they left. Everyone was in tears. 

Roger fell to the ground, sobbing. His face was in his hands, his chest heaving. 

Brian knelt down and rubbed his back. 

"Hey... It's going to be ok." Brian sat down criss-crossed next to Roger, putting his head on his shoulder. 

"We needed this. We need a place to make new memories. Of a family. Of kids. Of us." Brian stood up, reaching his arm out for Roger to take it. 

Roger took his hand and stood up. He sniffed, wiped his tears, and put on a brave face. 

"Okay. I can do this. We can do this." He rubbed his still aching shoulder, looked at his old house, and got into the taxi that had been waiting for them. 

Neither of them looked back. 


Hello my beauties! I'm insanely tired. I'm going slightly mad, just like the song I'm listening to. Which is the song I'm going slightly mad. 

I'm happy for Brian and Roger.

So, this is basically the last chapter. There will be an epilogue at some point, and then a description about book 2. 

Woah. That's wild. 

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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