A Winter's Tale

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"Look, Roger! It's snowing!" Brian's eyes were practically glued to the window, watching the snow fall onto the grass. 

"Ooh, preeettttyyyy." Roger slumped over from the couch and pressed his face to the glass. He slowly started sliding downwards, his face making a squeaky noise against the glass.

"Isn't it so pretty? Rog? Rog-"

"Briiiiii," Roger whined, still slipping.

"God, Rog!" Brian bent down to catch Roger before he fell to the ground.

"Sorry. I'm still a bit sick." Roger sighed as Brian laid him onto the couch.

"A bit? Rog, you can barely stand." Brian patted his head and walked back to the window to stare at the snow some more. Roger's snores soon filled the room. Brian sat next to him on the couch and played with his hair. Soon later, he heard a knock at the door.

"Darlings! Let's us in!" It was Freddie at the door. Brian peeked through the peephole to see Freddie, John, Veronica, Robert, and their new baby, Laura.

"Hey guys! What are you doing here?" Brian cracked open the door to answer them.
"Snow day!" Robert shouted, tugging on Brian's pants.

"Ahh, I see." Brian picked Robert up and patted him on the head.
"I'm sad to say that we will not be attending." Brian sighed and handed Robert to Freddie.

"Aww! Why not?" Deaky frowned.
"I have to take care of this one." Brian motioned to the sleeping blonde on the couch.

"Ah. I see. At least stay and watch one cool thing?" Freddie pleaded, as he whispered something in Roberts ear. Robert nodded and curled his lips and used his best puppy-dog eyes.

"Please, unki Bwi Bwi?" Robert pleaded as well.

"Oh, how could I say no? Of course, I'll watch."

"Yippee!" Freddie used the hand that wasn't holding Robert to grab Brian's writ and pull him outside. He motioned at a pile of snow.
"See here, this pile of snow." Freddie walked a bit closer to it, and dropped Robert into it. Robert shrieked with joy.

"FREDDIE! THAT IS A CHILD!" John ran over to the mound of snow to see a giggling Robert in the center of it. He picked him up, and handed him to Veronica. She was a bit stressed, due to Laura crying, so she dropped Robert off in the house and instructed him to grab a blanket from the basket in the living room.

"At least show some regrets! He'll get sick!" John walked up to Freddie and kicked him in the shins."

"OW! What was that for?"

"You could've killed him!"

"But I didn't!"

Freddie and John bickered like this until Brian broke the silence.
"I forgot my coat, and it's quite cold... I'm going to go inside now."

"Ok darling! Goodbye!" Freddie waved as Brian walked off. He waved back and shut the door.

"Hey Bri. What was that?" Roger mumbled from the couch. 

"Just Freddie and the rest of them. Fred threw Rob into a pile of snow." 

"Oh. Ok. Are they still here?" 

"They'd have been gone by now..."

"Who's gone?" Said a little boys voice from the armchair. 

"Rob? Are you still here?" 

"Where's my Mum?"
"Oh my... ROG, I'LL BE BACK!" 

Brian took Robert into the car and buckled him in the backseat. Robert was having a good time and Brian was just making sure he got home safe. 

"Guess what, uncki Bwi Bwi!" Robert said as he was looking out the window.
"What, Robby?"
"I'm getting a brother!"
"A-agin?" Brian dropped his head on the car horn and it beeped for a very long time.
Hello my beauties! I'm not listening to anything right now, because I'm sitting next to my best friend and we're just vibing.
Also, I know that the Deacon family did not have another baby for a while after they had Laura, but I though it would be funny. Cause. Yeah.
Anyway, I stopped writing chapters for a LONG time and just put them on a schedule and just thought I was done, but I decided to write one more chapter.

So, I had written this chapter to be posted in the replacement of the chapter that I accidentally published. So I had to unpublish it and stuff. Stressful ig. 





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CUTENESS OVERLOAD!Love you!Toodles!-Dahlia <3

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Love you!
-Dahlia <3

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