In Only Seven Days

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Roger was working as hard as he could to make them the perfect wedding. With LOTS of Freddie's help, duh.

And in seven days, after getting around 30 to 40 minutes of sleep a day, he found a date, a venue, the menu, the seating, he sent out the invitations, he did everything. 

Brian was worried for Roger, as he would see Roger pass out on their desk each night, and wake up such a short time later. He invited Roger into bed to take a nap, or watch a movie, or do absolutely nothing and just sit in each other's arms, but Roger had declined every time. 

Finally, Roger was done.

 He had just hung up on a call with Freddie about what the goddamn dress code was going to be, and he was so done. Now all the rest of the work needed to be with Brian involved, like the best men and shit like that. (But he already knew it was going to be Freddie and John, and the flower girl was obviously going to be Clare's kid, so why wait? Why not just plan it now? Maybe its just respectful? ) 

Roger slumped into the bedroom, where Brian was writing a new song. Brian looked at Roger, seeing that Roger definitely did not look well. 

Brian walked up to Roger, trying to see what was going on. 

 Brian looked Roger up and down. He had purple/black bags under his eyes, his hair was sticking up in unimaginable positions, and he was so slumped over, that his face was basically next to his knees! "Roggy, you good?" 

"Bri-" Roger crashed into Brian's arms. Roger's bones were screaming at him to rest, to sit down. And he did. Brian laid him on the couch and shuffled back behind him. He started rubbing his back as Roger fell asleep. 

"Thank you, my love. For working your ass off just so that I could relax and so you could surprise me. I love you, Rog." 

Brian kissed Roger on the head and grabbed a comb. He started to comb Roger's hair while Roger was sleeping. When Brian was done, he picked Roger up and carried him into their bed, and laid down beside him and fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello my beauties! This was sweet, but also a bit sad (In my opinion) because Roger was physically in pain, but he did it all for love. Quick thing though, I know that I don't mention the band much, but while all of this is happening, they are still writing and recording (and touring,  if there's time, I guess) 

I really want some soup right now. No specific soup. Just soup.

Listening to Love Me Like There's No Tomorrow. 

This week (not actually the week this was posted, it would be around 10 to 20 days earlier.  Has been so draining because this one girl keeps overstimulating me because she wont stop texting and calling me, just to talk about the same thing, over and over and over (Schoolwork and me and stuff like that. Also, all I want to talk about is Queen, and when shes around, she pulls out my headphones and whenever I talk about Queen lore, she interrupts me. I'm so done with her...) 

Maria knows who I'm talking about 

Thanks for being my therapist. I needed to vent. 

You probably didn't even read that.

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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