You Take My Breath Away

16 1 0

2 years into the future

"Here you are," the nurse says as she hands Brian a bundle of blankets. He smiles warmly, tears streaming down his face as he looks up at the woman.

"Thank you." He whispers, looking back down. He hands the bundle to Roger, who was openly sobbing, his voice warbling as he spoke.

"He's so beautiful-" He handed the baby back to Brian and put his hands to his face. He cried and cried, all the way to the car and all the way home.

"So, what shall we name him?" Brian asked once they got home.
"I was thinking of more of an exotic name? Make it more uncommon."
"Oh, like, a plant or something? Make it whimsical...?" Brian thought about what plants were nice names. 

(Before it starts, it's Roger talking, then Brian, then Roger, and so forth.)

"No... I was thinking more... Automobilius?"

"Yea- Wait. What? Did you just say.... Automobilius?"

"It's a good name... Right?" 

"You love me, correct?"


"I'm not naming our son fucking Automobilius."

"Then what shall we name him?"

"I want a pretty name. With an I."

"Why the letter I?" 

"Because I is the most lovely thing in the world." 



"So... Isaac?"



They both sat on the fuzzy carpet in the nursery and held hands as they saw what their future would be like in that room. 


Hello my beauties! I'm listening to Killer Queen and just vibing.

Imagine trying to naming your son as a car... Roger is so silly.

Sorry if you've been named after a car and you take offence to that.

I ADORE I with all of my living being so Isaac it is! 

I also apologize with the dialogue in this. Sorry if you were confused... 

Usually there would be an action that ties the character to the dialogue but this time... No? Theyre just sitting and talking. Nothing else. 

Also, SURPRISE! This is the last real chapter! The next chapter is just a discussion over the next book. Ok!

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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