Thank God It's Christmas

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Roger set up his camera on a stand and stood in front of the Christmas tree. 

"So, like I was saying, I bought this croissant," he walked out of the camera frame. 

He started talking again but the camera must have been glitchy because the next thing on the film was Roger body slamming the tree.

"FREEDOM!" He shouted as the tree fell to the floor.

"Roger! What the-" Brian was in a towel. He was in the shower but he heard shouting and a loud slam so he stopped his shower time short. He saw that there was a camera recording and he held the towel tighter to his body and shuffled backwards. 

"Hello, Bri... Merry Christmas Eve..." Roger was a bit disheveled as he stood up and brushed himself off, walking up to Brian and put his hands on his shoulders. He gave Brian a kiss and smiled sweetly. 

"How about we start off Christmas Eve with a bang..." Roger did a hip thrusting motion and winked at Brian. 

"Roger, NO. Freddie and Deaky are coming over." Brian answered, walking away. 

"Well, at least flash me a titty, bitch." Roger called out, just to see a middle finger and the bedroom door slam. 


Christmas Day, 12:39 a.m.


"BABY, I COULD NEVER STEAL YOU FROM ANOTHER" Deaky screamed into the karaoke mic. It had been an hour and 22 minutes and all of them were insanely drunk and their singing was annoying but they at least they were all having a wonderful time. 




"WHOOO! AGAIN! AGAIN!!" Freddie chanted, he used all of his strength to pick up John and toss him on the couch. 

"Owwwwwww... Ooh! Couch crisp! Mmmmm" Deaky had found a crisp in the couch cushions and since he had drunk himself into having zero common sense, he ate it. 

"AGAIIIIN!"  Freddie shouted and raised his arms. 

"Ok, obviously its time for Freddie to take nap naps." Brian took Freddie by the arm and dragged him to their guest bedroom. 

John teetered over to a sober Ronnie and took her by the arm, and she helped him walk up to both of them. 

"We need to get home. Gotta lay out the preeeesssseeeeentttssssss." John winked and turned around. They both walked out of the house.

Brian lightly shut the guest room door, and there was a slight glimpse of Freddie, who had passed out and was snoring loudly. 

"Oh! I was planning on giving this to you tomorrow morning, but it feels better to do this now." Brian searched through their coat closet and revealed a blue box with a pretty white satin ribbon.

"Awww, Bri! It's perfect! My gift isn't until morning. It's kind of a timing thing..." 

"All good, Roggy! Just open it!" Brian handed Roger the box, watching him open it.

It was full of papers.

"What are these?" Roger looked up at Brian, confused. 

"Just, trust me. Read them." Brian motioned for Roger to pick up the papers, and he did. 

"A-A-Adoption papers?" Roger looked up at Brian with tears in his eyes. 

"Well, I figured that after we got married, we might want kids.. So I have been doing research ever since I proposed to find a good adoption agency... And, well, I got us cleared. So we can adopt a kid after our wedding..." Brian explained, grinning as happy tears slid down his cheeks. 

"Merry Christmas, Rog..." 

"Oh, Brian!" Roger hugged Brian tight. 

"I-I love it. I love you. I'm so excited for our life together." 

"I love you too, Roggy." Brian gave Roger a kiss as they walked to their bedroom and fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello my beauties! If you thought this was good, next chapter is so much better.

Listening to Art Is Dead by Bo Burnham, which is a genre of music that I never really mentioned, but It sounds weirdly like the character in a musical that has actual common sense and she/he finally gets a solo and it sounds a bit demented, (its usually a patter song) but its actually sensible. 

This chapter was supposed to be a filler, but my brain kind of just gushed ideas at my fingertips and they just started to type. 

I need to plan the next chapter for this, and then write one or two more chapters for Elizabeth before 2 a.m. and that's... fun. I only have three hours, and like I mentioned, 2 chapters usually take around 8 hours. And I only have three, because I want 9 hours of sleep tonight because I need sleep for tomorrow. 

I really want banana bread right now. Just like, a good warm piece of fucking banana bread.


Sorry. I just really love banana bread. I just said banana bread an unhealthy amount of times. Try typing banana bread over and over. If your as psychotic as me, it's not easy. 

Has anyone ever watched Jurassic Park just to see Tim? Or just me?

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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