Lost opportunity

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Roger got home first. He ran so fast, nothing could have caught up. He ran past moving cars, causing him to get yelled at that he was going to get run over. But he didn't care. He felt so shit, they could have run him over and that would have hurt less than it did now.

Once he got home, he ran into his room. Him and Brian had been sharing his bed for the past couple of weeks, because he was taller so he had a larger bed.

"You knew this was going to happen, you knew it was a joke." He whispered to himself as he sniffed. 

"You knew this whole time that Bri was doing this for a life. Obviously he only agreed to stay at the bar to see her. How long have they been together? Since Tess? During when he was with Tess? Must be if he wanted to cheat on him too. 

The door crashed open, slamming into the wall, causing a scratch. 

"Roger!" Brian called out. He ran to Roger's room, seeing him as a huddled mess, wrapped in his blankets like a burrito. His eyes were a deep blue from all the crying. 

"Rog-" Brian said, reaching a hand out to him.

"No, don't "Rog," me!" Roger shouted. His sadness had converted into anger, and he could be quite a hothead. 

"You were totally snogging that girl, because I'm not good enough!" 

"That's not-" Brian tried to explain himself. 

The argument between the two of them has been going back and forth for a while, the two of them growing more and more heated.

"Wait, so you're telling me that you expect me to just believe that you pushed her away after she kissed you..?" - Roger

"Of course I pushed her away! I'd never cheat on you, and I've told you every time that you bring it up that you need to understand that I care for you and only you!"

Roger continues to remain stubborn, refusing to back down despite Brian continuing to assure him.

"You expect me to just trust you like that..??" - Roger

Meanwhile, Brian is becoming visibly frustrated with his best friend, who's refusing to listen to him or trust him in the slightest. He's starting to get tired of this back and forth arguing, so he speaks up bluntly.

"What do I have to do so that you'll finally trust me and realize that I really do only like you..???"

"I.. I don't know, Brian, but I don't appreciate you getting so mad at me because I don't blindly believe you." Roger is now visibly upset, and his voice seems to waver for just a moment.

"But Roger, I've never once done anything that would make me seem unreliable or untrustworthy, so why can't you just trust me..?" Brian's voice is filled with a mix of frustration and hurt, but he's trying to keep himself calm and to speak softly and calmly.


"Fine. Just... Fine. Just.. go." - Roger responds after a moment of thinking, his voice sounding defeated as he says this.

Brian is taken aback by this, and when he sees just how upset Roger is, he suddenly realizes his misstep.

"Hey, listen to me..." - Brian starts to say, but Roger interrupts him.

"Just go.. I don't want to talk to you anymore.. Just get out and leave me alone..!"

""FINE!" Brian shouts. He puts his hand over his mouth. He has never spoken so harsh to Roger like that. 

"Just... Leave!" Roger whispers through his sobs. 

Brian walked away without saying a word. 

He grabbed the phone and dialed up a number.

"Hey.... Tess?" 


Hello my beauties! I have one thing to say and that is: I'm sorry. 

Currently listening to Flick Of The Wrist :) 

Um, still sorry for what I just did.

Each part takes around 3/4 hours to make and I've spend the entire day writing... help?

Love you!


-Dahlia <3


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