The Hero

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Brian screamed and pulled Roger out of the way. They Fell to the grass with a thud. 

Brian quickly stood back up and started cursing at the car. 

"Yeah! You better fucking run you piss flap! Arsehole! Twat!" Brian shouted and flipped the car off.

"What was that?" Roger said, rubbing his head. They slammed on the ground pretty hard and Roger got a rock to the head. 

"Nothing. It's fine, lets just go home." Brian says. 


After that Brian had felt that Roger had been acting differently. Roger had been avoiding alcohol a lot recently, like he was scared he was going to do something bad if he got drunk. Whenever Freddie asked if he would go clubbing with him, it was always a "no." Brian was still sad, but he was worried for Roger. What was he trying to tell him that night? Was he trying to confess his love? Did Roger like him like that? What was going on?

"Come on darling, just go to the bar with us! Its only an hour, dear!" Freddie was pleading Roger, he was on his knees begging.

"No thanks, mate." Roger passed again. 

"Oh come on Rog, it cant be that bad for you to go to the bar one time! Get a little shit-faced!" Deaky gave Roger a look with his best puppy dog eyes. 

"No mate, I'm sorry." Roger sighed and sat back down on the couch. He felt guilty but he knew that if he got drunk, he might try to tell Brian his feelings. 

"Your no fun." Freddie mumbled. "Fine then, me and Deaky are going to the bar and we are gonna get super drunk, and we'll both find someone to shag!" Freddie grabbed John's arm and dragged him out of Brian and Roger's flat. 

"Wanna watch something?" Brian asks, grabbing the remote and flicking through the channels. "Ooh, check it out, The Golden Girls!"  Brian clicked on the channel and sat back. 

Roger and Brian are sitting side by side when Roger suddenly speaks up. "Do you think it's possible for two guys to fall in love with each other..?"

Brian stares at Roger for a moment, unsure of how to approach this, then speaks up softly, "Why do you ask..?"

Roger stares at the floor and remains silent, avoiding the question as his cheeks slowly start to heat up.

Brian stares back at Roger quietly as he watches Roger struggle for words. Brian notices Roger's cheeks turn a light shade of pink as he tries to speak, and realizes his best friend might be hiding something.

Roger finally speaks up softly, "It's nothing-" but Brian cuts him off, asking again, "Are you sure..? I think you want to say something..."

Roger freezes, then hesitantly speaks up once more, "It's about... you..."

"What?" Brian inhales sharply. "What's about me?" 

"Nothing! I just, I don't know. I'm gonna go on a walk..." Roger gets up to leave.

"Roger, wait!" Brian calls out, chasing after Roger. 

"Yes?" Roger turns around and looks at Brian's face. God, he looks gorgeous. 

"Wait, Roger.. I know you said it was nothing, but there's no way it wasn't something about me, right?.." Brian says, catching his breath. 

Roger stares at him for a moment before taking in a deep breath, unable to deny it anymore.

"I- I love you, Brian." Roger says. He exhales, a huge weight has been lifted. 

"I love you so much! I've loved you since Smile, and I know your straight and you would never love me, but I cant keep this in any longer. I have loved every thing about you! When you always straightened your hair, I loved you! When you had that beard, I loved you! I always imagined this scenario where it was a night like this, and I was telling you I loved you, and you actually loved me back! And its never going to happen, but your my best friend and I don't want to break up Queen because of me being gay and loving you. God, I fucking love you Brian, and if you are uncomfortable with me now or something then you can move out and I'll still love you. I love all of you Brian, and I'm sorry that I do." 

Brian blushes, unsure of what to say. He just has this slightly shocked look on his face as he takes in everything that Roger just said. Roger was expecting backlash, or even for Brian to storm out, but Brian just stands there quietly as he processes what he just heard, unsure of just how to react. 

"So...?" Roger looks up at Brian, hopeful that he didn't just ruin his friendship. 

Brian still remains quiet, but his gaze is soft as he stares down at his best friend. He doesn't move, or take his gaze away until Roger asks him again, this time a bit more insistently. Brian finally speaks up, "... Well.. I have to admit... I feel the same way."


Hello my beauties! 

I'm sorry to leave you on another cliffhanger! It's currently 3:53 in the morning, (as I am writing, not posting.) I am listening to Liar, (by Queen of course) And I'm so tired! 

But!!! I have a couple of drafts that I was planning to release some times this week, but my one fan so far has been commenting and I am rushing to respond! I'm posting this part now because I don't want to leave her in complete misery.

Currently in my Addams family the musical phase... Has anybody heard about that show? I really like the music! 

Alrighty, so I will be writing more tomorrow, but I'm just swamped with lectures and stuff right now, but I will be going to write more tomorrow! 


-Dahlia <3

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