Love kills

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That next evening, since Freddie was still absolutely completely hungover, he decided to force the rest of them to go to the bar to drink more. 

Why? Nobody had a clue. 

"I really don't think this is a good idea, mate." Brian says, looking back at Freddie and Deaky in the back. 

Freddie looked like he was about to puke, and John looked like he was about to try the tuck and roll method to fling himself out of the car if Freddie did puke. 

"Its fiiiiiiiine!" But it really wasn't. After he said that, Freddie held his stomach and started to groan. Brian and Roger look at each other doubtfully, but shrugged it off. 

"Ok, mate, you do you? Follow your heart?" Roger says, while he was tinkering with the radio stations. He found I'm In Love With My Car  and started bopping his head and singing along.

 Brian and Deaky groan, and Freddie just starts grumbling about how he needs paracetamol and whose idea was that they were going to the bar.

 Once they arrived, Freddie had Deaky take them both to the chemist to get some painkillers for his horrible headache. 

Roger and Brian stayed to get a drink and just enjoy the night. If they were already there, what was the point of leaving?

"Yeah, i'll take 2 ginger ale's, thanks, mate." Roger says to the barista and turns to Brian, who is nowhere to be seen. 

"Bri? Brian?" Roger said, looking around. Where was he?

"BRIAN! BRI!" Roger called out, the music and the chatter of the people absorbing his calls like a sponge and a water spill.

"BRIAN?" Roger shouted once more. He started to get worried. Where was his boyfriend? 

He turned into the hall. There he was! Roger sighed happily and started walking up to Brian. 

"Bri! There you are! I was-" Roger watched in horror  as a girl ran up to Brian and started snogging him.

And it looked like Brian was kissing her back! 

That girl was so pretty, her hair dyed fiery red, her hazel eyes glinting in the lights, brown freckles were dotted across her tan face. Of course Brian was snogging her that night and not Roger. How could he compare to her?  

Roger just ran. He ran out of that stupid bar. And he ran all the way home sobbing. 6 fucking miles.


Brian felt a tug at his collar. He was being dragged back.

"Roggy!" Brian shouted at Roger as he was ordering them both sodas. 

He was left stranded in a random hallway, as a girl pushed him to the wall. 

"I know who you are." The girl said, her hand running down his chest.

"Your Brian May. From Queeeeen." She whispered, smiling. 

"Yes, I am. And this Brian May has people he needs to get to, so if I could go now," He tried to get away, but she pushed him back again. She was strong. 

"You know, you're like-really hot." She said, her body getting closer to his. 

"Um... thanks? now I really must go..." Brian tried to get away again.

"We could get a room? Have some fun?" She whispered. Her breath smelled of alcohol. 

"I'm not interested, miss." Brian finally found a way to get away from the wall. 

"Oh but we could work!" She said, chasing after him.

"No thanks, no." Brian said again, backing away slowly. 

The girl ran to him and gave him a sloppy kiss. Once she pulled away, Brian wiped his mouth. She tasted like an entire liquor store. 

"Listen, ma'am, you're obviously very drunk, and by looking at that massive ring on your finger, you're married.  I'm going to leave now, and I hope you have some way to get home? I'm sorry, miss..." 

Brian turned to see Roger run out of the bar, tears flowing down his cheeks. He probably saw it all. 



Hello my beauties! Sorry to leave you all on such an angsty note, but i'm finishing this at 5:46 in the morning and I need to get ready for classes. 

Anyway, I haven't really ever written it jumping perspectives in the middle, so that's a bit new!

 I'm listening to Seven Seas Of Rhye, which is another awesome song.

 I'm trying to write more chapters by making them shorter, so instead of having ones with 1000 words like my first 3 chapters, I'm sticking with 600/800 words, which is shorter but still fun! 

I'm going to try and write a couple chapters a day, and space them all 2/3 days apart, so if you wanted to know when another chapter is coming out, check the day after! (And if your reading this in like, 2030, then it's probably over and you don't have to wait.  Ha ha.) OK. That's a lot of author notes.  

I love you!


-Dahlia <3

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