Leaving Home Ain't Easy

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August 30th, 8 hours before their concert In Denver. 

"Ok, so.... Today we have a concert at the McNicholas sports arena, then on the second we go to Portland!" Freddie said, looking at a list. 

"Where's Portland?" Deaky asked, staring at a map.

"Portland! You know, in Oregon?" Brian said, looking down at the map. 

"What's Oregon?" Deaky said, still squinting at the map. 

"Do you need glasses, mate? Its right..... wait... Where in the fuckity fuck is Oregon?" Roger said, trying to find it, looking at the map, alongside with Deaky.

"Oh! found it! Oregon's right here!" Freddie said, pointing at Florida. 

"God, Freddie! That's fucking Florida!" Brian said. "Oregon is right here!" He points at Oregon. 

"OOOOHHH!" They all said in unison. 


A couple hours later, at the concert


(So, Queen did a tour of America in 1982, and I cant fin anything from Denver... :( So this is another concert from 1982! There were a lot of songs I could have chosen from, but I love this song, Haha.)


"That was AWESOME!" Brian says as they walk offstage. 

"That's a wrap, everybody!" Someone backstage shouts as they leave the stadium, fans crowding around the doors, being pushed back by security.

"Hey, wanna go back to the hotel room?" Roger says, taking Brian's hand as they walk out. 

"Party time, people!" Freddie jumps around and bumps a guy in the back.

"HEY!" They guy shouts.

"Sorry!" Freddie crouches down in embarrassment and crawls away. 

Once Roger and Brian get back to the room, Roger is about to flop backwards onto one of the beds, when Brian stops him. 

"Hey!! What are you doing?" Brian freaks out. 

"Umm, I'm tired, I'm gonna sit down...?" Roger responds, looking at him, confused.

"Hell no your not, not with all the concert germs you still have on you. Why would you sleep in a bed filled with germs?" Brian looks Roger up and down. He looks pretty, but he's also pretty  germy.   (That was the worst joke I have ever made in the history of my 19 3/4 years of living life.)

"I'm not sleeping in this bed!" Roger points to Brian's bed. "I'm sleeping in THAT  bed."

"Hey that's my-" Brian grins as he figured it out. "Well, I'm going to shower, i'll be back. Give me like, 30 minutes, i'm all sweaty and gross...." Brian turns and walks to the bathroom.

"Heyyy! Showering? Without me?" Roger peeks in the bathroom to look at Brian. (How super senior of Roger, to be honest)

Brian screams. "You can't do that! Not again! Not without at least warning me! I've told you that like, every time!" Brian starts shampooing his hair. Roger's done this so many times, that around 5 seconds after Brian catches his breath, he just resumes his shower. 

"No, seriously. Why wasn't I invited?" Roger says, taking of his shirt.

"Fine. Come on in." Brian sighs, rinsing out his hair.

"Yippee!" Roger squeals and hops in the shower.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hello my beauties! Last bit.... Kinda spooky. I grew up in Portland,  so I decided that they are going to have a concert there.  

This was kind of a filler but it's going to be the only America tour chapter because I'm tired but I want to post another chapter and Freddie already decided to be a yapper and announce a tour, so it had to happen. 

 Its 4:05 In the morning, (I never get sleep :) and I'm listening to Take A Chance On Me (MARRY ME, ABBA) Seven Seas Of Rhye, then Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. (why? no clue.)

My neck hurts because i've been sitting on this oddly shaped chair since 4:00 PM, so that's 10 hours of back pain. *Cries*. Why? Cause I have freaking COVID! EWWW. I should probably be sleeping, but how about no? I have something to announce! I'm currently starting a new book!!! Yay for me, I guess! he first chapter will be released.... In a whiiiiiiiiile. OK. I'm done ranting. 

Love you! 


-Dahlia <3

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