My Life Has Been Saved

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Brian was fully devoted to taking care of Roger from then on. He had been able to plan an entire wedding in seven days, and he had stayed up so late and had eaten and drank so little that now he was sick. 

"Bri, I'm fiiiine!" Roger waved his arm around, then fell back into bed. Brian spooned yogurt into Roger's mouth while answering Roger's dumb comment.

"You're obviously NOT fine, Rog." Brian spoon fed Roger some more yogurt. 

"I am! I really am! I'm all good!" Said Roger, crossing his arms and giving Brian a grumpy look.

"Rog, your temperature is 38.3 degrees! That's like, disturbingly bad!" Brian ran to the kitchen and grabbed a tea towel and some ice to put on his head. 

(I use Celsius) 

"Yeah, yeah. Definitely, Bri. I'm just fine." Roger slurred as Brian put a blanket over him and went to make them both tea. 

It was like this for a while, of them just sitting and doing nothing.  Cuddling and watching movies, Brian caring for Roger, and just waking up in the morning seeing that they were holding each other's hands. Brian was tirelessly taking care of Roger just like how he found a way to take care of the entire wedding.

But there was this one time, where Roger tried to prove that he was feeling fine. 

"Look, Bri! See? I don't need to be taken care of!" Roger was standing on the back of their couch, his arms waving around a bit, trying to gain balance. 

"S-S-See? W-WOAH!" Roger fell forwards. Brian ran to the couch and caught him. 

"WOAH, Bri! Did you see that? I was like, totally FLYING!" Roger was so overtired, and he was so hyper. He really needed more sleep. 

"You like, saved my life, Bri" Roger muttered and went boneless in Brian's arms. Brian struggled to carry him that way. 

"Yup. Flying. Life was totally saved. Now, bed. I'll read you a bedtime story?" Brian carried Roger into the bedroom and dropped him on the bed. Roger rolled off and  fell on the floor. 

"Owchiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Bri Bri!" Roger was having a full-on toddler tantrum. 

"Rog, if we have kids I hope they don't learn anything from you." Brian picked up Roger and flopped him down on the bed again. He turned to close the door and pinched his finger on the door hinge. 


"OWWW! Fuck me!" He whisper shouted, trying to not disturb sleepy little Roger, who gets very cranky when he gets woken up. 

"I can't, Brian. I'm too sick to suck.... Maybe after our wedding?" Roger muttered. 



Hello my beauties! I'm currently dying laughing because of what I just wrote. I never plan my chapters and I just write whatever feels correct, and my brain just told me to do that. This was a filler, but like, I live for the humor. 

(... --- .-. .-. -.--, .. ... .-.. .-)

I'm listening to White Man. I'm gonna skip it. I don't like this song. Sorry if its your favorite or something. 

My life has become a bit less dreadful, and that makes me happy. 

I emphasize, a BIT. 


Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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