When Love Breaks Up

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(This is right after Brian left the flat to go to Tessa's house) 

Roger sniffs as he hears the front door slam shut. Did Brian leave? He hoped he didn't. He got up slowly and walked out of his room. 

"Bri?" Roger said, rubbing his eyes. "Where are you? Did you leave?" 


"Oh." Roger sighed and picked up the phone. He called Deaky. 

"Hewo?" A little boy answered. John's son. 

"Robert.... Why are you awake? Its so late! Where's Your Dad?" Roger put his hand to his forehead. 

"Daddy is in his woom. He's with Mommy. They're being reeeeal loud in there." He giggled. 

"I think Daddy is putting a picture on the wall. Big banging noises. I don't know. Bye, Woggie!" The phone hangs up. 

"Wait-No! Robert!"

"I'm gonna puke..." Roger says. He rings Freddie. 
"Darling!!! Whats going on?" Freddie answers cheerily. 

"Just called Deaky. Robert answered.... I think Deaky and Ronnie are shagging right now... and I'm sad." 

"Ahh. I see. Well, your out of alcohol." Freddie said. 

"Cause you drank it all..." Roger muttered.

"Well, you have ice cream? Eat that. Or fuck yourself. y'know, a hand job never hurt anybody!"

"What the-?! OK, the ice cream one I get, but what?!" Roger basically shouted into the telephone. 

The rest of the night consisted of tears, ice cream, and The Way We Were  With Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford. 

"I'm sorry, Bri. I miss you. I love you. Come back." Roger whispered into the air before he fell asleep.


Hello my beauties! I'm going to be busy for the next week so i'm trying to write as many parts as I can today. It's 12:47 and I have until like, 2 am to write like, 4 more chapters.... ughhhhhhhhhhh.  

I think that the author notes are like, longer than the chapter itself... I just have a lot to say? I'm chatty, I guess. 

This chapter was really really really short, like, super short,  just because Roger's sadness isn't too complex right now. He's sorry and he misses his bae... lol. 

Roger just really misses Bri. I would too, tbh. That man was fine AF in the 70's and 80's.... haha....


Listening to Misfire. Next on the queue is Fat Bottomed Girls. 

Do you guys know the backstory of the song Misfire? If not, look it up. Trust me. 

(Sorry for adding the phone call with Roger and Robert...) 

I Love You! 


-Dahlia <3

(I'm madly in love with Brian May. Who TF could blame me? I mean, Hottie much? He is an absolute SNACK.) 

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