I Was Born To Love You

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"So...?" Roger looks up at Brian, hopeful that he didn't just ruin his friendship.

Brian still remains quiet, but his gaze is soft as he stares down at his best friend. He doesn't move, or take his gaze away until Roger asks him again, this time a bit more insistently. Brian finally speaks up, "... Well.. I have to admit... I feel the same way."

"You...What?" Roger was shocked. He took a step backward, his face filled with disbelief.

"I haven't thought about it much before, but I understand it now! Now I understand! I only proposed to Tessa because I was trying to hide. I always felt different when I was near you!" Brian said, taking Roger's hands in his own. "I always thought it was just because I treasured you as a friend, but I know now, it was love! I think I'm in love with you, Roger. Wait, I know I'm in love with you."  Brian leaned in  and kissed Roger. Roger was shocked, but kissed back.

Roger pulled out of the kiss first. "Are you... on something?" Roger asked, worried. Brian doesn't have feelings for him. He's lying! He's tugging at his heartstrings for a laugh. 

"No, what?" Brian's face filled with disbelief. Isn't this what Roger wanted? For Brian to love him? And that's what Brian wanted as well. So what's the push back? 

"Weren't you straight, like five minutes ago, mate?" This is what he wanted, and he wanted it so badly, but Brian must be joking. 

"I swear to God, Roger. Your my best friend, and I want you to love me as well. Because I love you." Brian put his arms around Rogers neck and gave him a kiss. "I'm in love with you, Rog. Be in love with me!" 

Roger gave in and laughed slightly. If Brian really loved him, he has to take the risk! 

A slow clapping came out from behind a tree. Freddie and Deaky came out, Deaky holding a camera. They had been recording the entire thing!

"How...What?" Brian said turning to them. 

"Ask him, darling!" Freddie points to Roger, who blushed. 

"I told Fred and Deaks that I was telling you how I felt tonight, but I guess that they made special stalker plans!" He turned and playfully spat at both of them. Freddie shrieked and jumped backwards. 

"You bitch! Freddie screamed and ran. Deaky shot after him, calling back to Brian and Roger, "Congratulations!"

Brian and chuckled and turned back to Roger. "Would you like to go on a walk and maybe, talk about this? About us?" He smiled and reached out his hand. Roger took it. 

As the two of them head out on their walk, Brian starts to speak up. "So.. now that we've got our feelings established.. I think I've got a question..?"

"What's your question?" Roger asks sweetly, looking up at Brian. 

".. Can I ask you something that I've been wondering about for a while?" Brian pauses, taking a deep breath as he feels his heart beating in his chest. It feels like it's been beating out of his chest for just about the past few minutes, but he finally manages to get the words out, ".. Why did you keep your feelings hidden for so long..?"

Roger stares at him in silence for a minute before taking in another deep breath.

"Well... I.. I guess I was just scared that you'd turn me down, or that I would ruin our friendship... or that you had just had enough of me and didn't actually like me that much, so.. I just never built up the courage to tell you.. until today.."

"It's ok, Rog." Brian said, turning around  to their flat. "Lets go home?" 

"Gladly." Roger said, looking up at him as they walk back to their flat.

They slept in the same bed that night. 


Hello my beauties! I went to the hard rock cafe today cause I'm on holiday and I was so sad because there wasn't any Queen stuff. Also, why is everything so expensive.... Like what? 

Anyway, sorry if there are any misspellings or grammar problems in any of these! Most of these were written at 3:00 a.m, fueled by lattes and chocolate. 

I received a comment on my first post saying they wanted more, which melted my heart in ways you cannot imagine!

So how could I respond? I posted more parts! I tried to hold back, but the person who had commented on the part was  too sweet!

So snaps for her. (Currently listening to one normal night from Addams family the musical. Banger. Next on the queue is good Company!!!) 

Also, just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone (The 5 people) who have read this so far! Thank you! I love you!


-Dahlia <3

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