You And I (Part 2)

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Roger had made it his duty to break up Brian and Cynthia, no matter what. 

How? He didn't know. But he was going to try his best.

First, he was going to start some rumors. 

"Brian, I'm sorry, but you need to hear this." Roger looked at Brian sympathetically. "Cynthia totally just called me a slur and kicked me." Roger rolled up his pants to reveal a nasty bruise.

"Rog, you got that bruise when you and Ben went ice skating and you fell on your ass and then got up to leave and fell on your knee." Brian responded, crossing his arms and giving Roger a look. 

Ok. Plan B. Make Cynthia a cheater. Cheater. Pumpkin. Eater. 

"Heyy Cynthia... Wassup?" Roger said, trying to flirt. He leaned against the pole and slipped, but he caught himself. 

"Y'know... You're really pretty..." Rogers insides screamed at him. "Liar! Liar!" You know who looks pretty right then? Roger thought.  Brian. DEFINITELY not Cynthia. Not her. Not a girl. 

"And you look like you're in love with Brian. No, I wont cheat on him so that he will eventually hate me and fall in love with you instead. " Cynthia scoffed and walked away. 

Shit. That plan failed miserably. VERY miserably. Maybe he could try violence instead? 

"HEY CYNTH! EAT DIRT!" Roger chucked a potted plant at her. It hit Brian instead.

"Oh shi-" Roger ran. 

Brian caught him and threw him to the floor. They both got detention. 


The next day


"Welcome to human health!" Mr. Lee announced cheerily. The class sighed. 

"Today, we will be talking about abstinence." Mr. Lee pulled up a slideshow on the projector.

"Abstinence;" Mr. Lee showed the definition. "Is pulling yourself away from indulging yourself, in this case, sexual experiences." 

The class groaned. 

"Trust me, none of you want to be parents at the age of 15." 

"Here is a list of facts about teen pregnancy."

"1. No, you cannot lower the risk of getting pregnant by drinking mountain dew."

The class snickered, until they realized he was being serious.

"2. More than 50% of teens going through parenthood  drop out of high school and never get their diploma"

"And 3. Most of them are on welfare. Now, who wants to be a teen parent now?" 


one week later


"Brian, we need to break up." Cynthia said sadly. 

"I'm just too scared that your going to get me pregnant, and I really didn't like you anyway."

"FINALLY!" Brian shouted. He gave himself a high-five and skipped off humming a tune.

 He never even wanted to be with her. He was awaiting this day for what feels like forever!

That night, while everyone was nestled in their beds, about to fall asleep, little smiles crept up on their faces. Rogers smile was the biggest. They really were all happy. Except Cynthia. Roger had skipped health class to go egg her house. 


Hello my beauties! I'm currently listening to Seventeen from Heather's the musical. (Also, in the song Blue, I feel like Deaky would totally say "Heeeeeeey Rrrrrrrrronicaaa" To Veronica... If any of you know what i'm talking about...) 

(First couple of seconds)

My little sister Ivy (she's in the 6th grade) Just had human health, and told me everything that happened when I came back from school, and I found it absolutely hilarious...

Also, the "Love story" Between Brian and Cynthia was real, but it was 2 kids in Ivy's school. And the only thing that didn't happen was the part with the plant. Yes, someones house was egged!

Also, If you haven't noticed, my parents really like plants. Dahlia and Ivy.

To conclude my ranting, I'm kind of suffering a massive writers block. I already know how the book is going to end, but I don't want my book to end that fast.... Ugggh! I might write some Maylor One shots, but the prompts my roommate is giving me are total crap.

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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