Son And Daughter

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(some time after their tour) 

"Ok, guess what!" Deaky squeals. he looks at the rest of the band, their faces filled with confusion.

"What...?" Brian says. He gives Deaky a look. What was he talking about?

"Ronnie and me.... Are having a baby!" Deaky jumps around a bit, his voice filled with energy, he looked like he was about to burst with excitement. 

Freddie and Brian cheer and surround him with a hug. Roger just stood there, his hand to his forehead. 

"The fuck, Rog! Come over here!" Brian signaled for Roger to get over there when he saw John's face fall when he noticed Roger didn't seem happy.

"Deaks, I gotta tell you something...." Roger muttered, looking up at him.

"W-what?" John stuttered.

"That night, when me and Bri had that fight? I called you... And Robert answered. He had said it sounded like you two were.. hanging a picture. because it sounded like something was being nailed into the wall...." 

"DAMN, DEAKS" Freddie sucked in a breath and stared at him. "A picture wasn't getting railed that night. No siree. 'Twas Deaky getting nailed you see." Freddie grinned at his poem. 

"And I think that's when... Y'know...Um... baby." Roger sighed and looked up and sighed at John. John's face was flaring red. 

"Holy- REALLY?" Brian exclaimed, his eyes darting back and forth from John to Roger. 

"I'm going to go now. Y'know, wife... kid..s." Deaky stuttered and walked backwards a bit, turned, and darted out of the house. 

"So... you called Robert, and he said that Ronnie and Deaks were in their room... Nailing a painting into the wall, because there were banging noises?" Freddie asked, insanely interested. 

Curious nosy little prick. (Deaky's thoughts after he left, not mine) 

"He said it sounded like they were.... Hanging a picture... There were banging noises... it was really late at night...?" 

"Holy. Shit." Freddie flopped down on the couch. 

"Woah." Brian sat down next to him. 

"I know." Roger followed Brian. All three men just sat there and thought about the fact that while Roger was on the phone with Robert, Deaky and Veronica were...

"Damn." All three guys said at the same time. 


Hello my beauties! This is the shortest chapter yet!  So, I MIGHT take a short break on My Dearest, Radio to make a new book; Entitled: The Fab Four, Queen's GC. Most of the chapters will be from my actual gc with my friends, so... Yeah. Alrighty then. We shall see.

Love you!


-Dahlia <3

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