Obito Uchiha

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"Is he here"? I asked with my head down and hands clasped together resting against my forehead as I sat in my office. Yesterday I had gotten a call from a set of twins saying they had been raped by their neighbor while their mother was at work. Not knowing what to do she called the Akatsuki asking for help.

I gladly accepted, this piece of shit needed to be thought a lesson but more than that those kids deserve to be able to feel safe again. What they went through should have never happened.

"He is. He's waiting for you in the room". Stone said. I nodded and headed straight there. I had a special room I kept peod's in. It was a dark room with very little lighting and had many different types of weapons and tools at the ready.

Once inside the door closed behind me as I made my way over to him. "Cristopher Adams". I said matter of factly. "Who the hell wants to know"? "Anger huh. Not a trace of remorse in your voice whatsoever".

"Remorse for what exactly"? I hit him upside the head with the hammer I was holding. "Remorse for the two kids you raped! Remorse for Aria and Antonio"! "Never heard of them". He groaned. I punched him in the gut causing him to let out a noise before hitting him in the gut with the same hammer.

"You live right next door to them you bastard! You babysit them while their mother is at work"! "Still never heard of them". I kicked him hard in the crouch causing him the double over in pain before gripping his hair and slamming his head into the wall.

"You hurt them. Just because your to pathetic to get someone your own age doesn't give you the right to traumatize innocent kids"! I slammed his head onto the floor before grabbing hold of my pocket knife and jabbing it into his side. "Ngh".

"You will pay for what you've done I promise you that". I grabbed the closet thing that was in reach which was a drill and turned it on. He looked at me wide-eyed and let out an agonizing scream as I drilled all the way through his kneecap and did the same with his second one.

"Say it"! All he did was scream slash cry in pain. I turned him over and started beating his stomach with the hammer I had before. Over and over all I saw was bruises decorating his body as blood started to spill from his lips, head, and onto the floor from his knees.

I hated him. I didn't know him but I hated him for what he did to those kids. Those innocent helpless kids. It wasn't until the door opened that I knew I had to stop. I was holding him up but after my fist had made contact with his face for the last time, I dropped him to the ground.

"Get rid of the body".

I took a shower right away getting rid of all the blood that had splattered on me, redied my hair, and changed into a regular black shirt with black pants, a silver belt, and my black and red Jordans. The door to my room opened up but I didn't need to look to see who it was.

"You ok little brother"? My oldest brother Hibiki asked as I sprayed on cologne. "Mhm, we still on for tonight"? Hibiki, Stone, and I were going out for drinks at the bar after I was done with work.

"We are but Obito". I turned around to him smiling. "I'm fine Hibiki, really I am. After I leave from there I'm going to pick Sasuke and Mashi up from school and drop them home. See ya later". I placed my hand on his shoulder before heading out the door and getting into my car.

I drove straight to their house only stopping for stop signs and red lights. I needed to get to them and tell them it was all over. Hopefully tonight they'd be able to sleep.

I pulled into a subdivision and didn't stop until I saw a red bike and a matching blue one in the front yard with a black SUV parked in front of the garage. I parked on the side of the road and went knock right away.

The door opened and I smiled down as the twins answered it, they knew my car and felt safe enough to answer the door when I visited. "Obito"! They smiled big. I picked them up and hugged them both tight as they held onto my neck.

"I swear you two have gotten bigger since the last time I was here". They giggled. "Where's your mom"? "In the kitchen". They said in unison. I closed the door behind us and headed straight to the kitchen. "Hi Mr. Uchiha". Their mother Candace said with her back facing me as she fixed the twins a snack.

"You can call me by my name you know". "I do but it doesn't sound appropriate". She turned putting the plates on the table. "Are you staying for lunch"? "No, not today. I just came over to let the three of you know he's gone, you'll never have to see or hear from him ever again".

"R really"? Aria asked. I looked at her smiling. "Yes sweetheart, you and your brother are both free". "Will we still get to see you"? Antonio asked. I placed my hand on his head. "Of course you will. You also have my number the two of you can call me anytime day or night". They hugged me tight.

There were a bunch of kids walking about as the three o'clock lectures ended and the four and five o'clock lectures were getting ready to start. For the past two years, my little brother and sister have been attending Konoha University one of the top colleges in the country.

My parents have no trouble paying the tuition for them but they both managed to get a scholarship in the sport of their choice. For Sasuke it's wrestling and for Mashi it's track and gymnastics.

I messed around on my phone while waiting for them. They were usually among the last ones to come out of class and that's because they like to talk to their professor afterwards.

From the corner of my eye, I could see them conversing with him. Mashi was wearing a red one-shoulder crop top with blue jeans and heels while Sasuke wore a dark blue shirt with ripped blue jeans and white and blue Air Jordan's.

I could tell they were enjoying their conversation with him that's why I didn't rush them to come over. Ten minutes later two car doors opened and closed making me put my phone down. "I hope I wasn't rushing the two of you"? I smiled. "Not at all, professor Kakashi had to go somewhere so our conversation was cut short". Mashi said sitting in the passenger seat.

"It was just about the current lesson he's teaching us and went a little more in-depth about how the people in that time lived". Sasuke said. "We've always been good at school but he knows how to make learning fun and actually likes getting to know his students".

Mashi spoke as I drove. "I see. I'm happy for you both, good teachers are hard to come by". I said smiling. "Yeah, I can't wait to tell dad and papa once they get home". "Are they still on vacation"? "Yeah, but they said they should be home soon".

"That's good, need me to get you guys anything for the house"? "No thank you, we still have plenty of the food you bought us". Sasuke said.

Word Count: 1309

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