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I drove as fast as I could to the hospital only stopping when I had to for stop signs and red lights. He was in the passenger seat barely conscious and the longer it took to get him there the more I worried, what made it harder was that I was driving with my mask still on. I could see just fine but knew it would look suspicious to other drivers or people walking the streets.

"Call papa".

My phone was hooked up to my stereo making it easier to talk if I had to while driving.

Papa: Yes Obito?

Me: I'm bringing a patient to you, no one can know it was the Akatsuki.

Papa: Understood but you don't sound right. What's going on?

Me: I messed up bad papa.

I looked over at Kakashi.

Me: I did something I shouldn't have

After getting him to the hospital safely I headed home and went straight to my bathroom. The bathroom door was locked and my phone off after texting my brothers I wanted to be left alone for a bit. I know they're worried right now, rightfully so but I also knew they would respect my wishes.

Slowly I headed to my sink and stared blankly at the man looking back at me. I didn't recognize him. The man before me was someone I never wanted to be. He had hurt someone that was innocent and might have actually killed him.

Your papa is the best doctor there is but even he can't save everyone

I opened the drawer and took out the blade I kept in there. I didn't stop my finger as it slid up the handle letting the blade out. I also didn't stop my hand from grabbing hold of it and cutting a line on my arm. Blood oozed out of the wound right away but I didn't feel any pain from it. I didn't feel anything right now.

You hurt him


This is all on you


Why didn't you investigate him fully like you do everyone else


You're letting your emotions take over. You let your past control you


You're a failure


Your father chose wrong when he picked you. You let him down


I could see everything I was doing but wasn't somewhat conscious as I watched my hand clean and wrap my arm. The only thing I did know for sure was my back laying against the wall and my body sliding to the floor as I silently cried.


"I'm sure he's ok love, he probably just got caught up in something and hasn't had the time to talk to you or anyone about it". Xion said to Iruka as the three of us sat on the bed together. Since finding out Kakashi went missing he's been driving himself sick with worry.

"Something like what Xi? As far as I'm concerned I'm the only friend he has, we tell each other everything. He's quiet and does everything he can to help others even the ones who don't deserve it. What could be possible be caught up in that he can't tell me"?

"I don't know". I placed my hand on his knee. "But what I do know is that he's important to you and because of that reason Xion and I will do everything we have to to find him for you". "Thank you, Stone". "Your welcome my love". I held him along with Xion but was soon interrupted by my phone.

Twin: Tell Iruka his friends at the hospital

Me; How do you know that

Twin: I just do

Me: Obito, what's going on? You don't sound like yourself

Twin; I

His voice cracked.

Me: I'm coming over now. Where are you?

Twin: My bathroom

"Iruka don't ask questions just head to the hospital and ask for your friend, I'm heading over to Obito's". I said turning to him before grabbing my keys and leaving.

I rushed over to his place as soon as I could, parked next to his car, and rushed into the house using my spare key. I ran straight to the staircase, ran upstairs, and down the hall to his room before bursting into the room and heading to his bathroom door which was locked.

"You have to unlock it so I can come in". My voice was soft as my hand rested on the door and ear against it. "I can't". He whispered. "Yes you can, it's just you and me right now. No one can hurt you with me here, you know that". It took a few minutes but I eventually heard the knob click.

Carefully I opened the door and went sit next to him on the floor. "I'm here Obi". He clung to me immediately and cried. "Oh honey, what happened"? I gently stroked his hair. "I did something terrible Nii San".

Word Count: 820

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