Officially Meeting Each Other

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I couldn't believe what I had heard. This girl who had caused so much trouble had been abused since the age of five. This whole time her parents had corrupted her and made her think she had to lie in life to get ahead. I'm actually glad Sasori took her in and from the sounds of things she'll have a female role model in her life.

Now it's time for you to man up and do the same thing

I took in a deep breath to try and calm my nerves down a bite before raising my hand to knock on the door. I know he had just gotten out of the hospital, I know his parents wouldn't appreciate me being there but I had to see him. I had to see the condition he was in with my own eyes.

The door opened and I wasn't at all surprised to see Iruka open it nor was he surprised to see me. "Obito". "Can I please come in Iruka.......only if he's up for it". He looked into my eyes examining them.

"Obito, are you ok? Do I need to call Stone"? I shook my head. "I just need to see him". He nodded. "As you wish". He opened the door more and led me inside. "I hate to interrupt this moment but you have another visitor Kakashi".

He looked at me right away. His shirt and pants were now covering his bandages but I couldn't help but stare at the left side of his head that was wrapped in bandages because of his eye nor could I stop staring at his right one that shined with curiosity.

"Who are you, you're not one of his students". His mother asked. "No ma'am I'm not". "Kakashi, this is my boss Obito Uchiha". He looked at him confused. "What do you mean boss"? "I work at University with you but I'm also a part of the Akatsuki, Stone Uchiha one of my boyfriends is his older twin brother".

"Mr. Uchiha I know you probably don't want to hear anything I have to say but from the bottom of my heart, I truly am sorry for lying to you the way I did. Nothing I say can ever make up for that and you don't have to forgive me ever but I needed to apologize to you and thank you and your father for letting me stay with my brother".

"I had nothing to do with that decision, you need to thank Hibiki, Stone, or my father but I will accept your apology". "So your the one that did this to him Obito"? Tsunade asked. I could hear the anger laced in her voice. "I am".

"I think we should let the two of them talk in private". Iruka said. "That's a terrible idea"! "Tsuna maybe-". "No Jiraya, he's the reason our son is in pain right now. There's no way in hell I'll let you anywhere near him I don't care if you are a mafia leader you can get the hell out". She glared at me.

"No, I want to hear what he has to say". "Kakashi"! "It's my decision mom". She looked at him in disbelief before storming out with her husband following behind her. "I'll be upstairs". Iruka said. "Get well soon Professor Kakashi, Professor Iruka, I'm sorry". Sakura said before leaving with her brother.

Soon it was just the two of us. To me, the atmosphere felt tense. There was a tightness around my throat making it hard to breathe and it just got harder the longer I looked at him. This kind gentleman was nearly killed for no reason because of me. Because I didn't do my job right.

"Uchiha huh, are you related to Doctor Hashirama Uchiha"? He asked. I gulped letting out a shaky breath. "I am, I'm his and Madara Uchiha's third eldest son". "The police chief, that's impressive. Looks like they raised you well. You're in good shape and came to check up on me. I appreciate it but it wasn't necessary, I'll be fine". He smiled.

I lowered my head. "No, I did have to come. It's not fine". My voice broke a little. "Obito"? "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Kakashi". My legs gave out as I hid my face in my hands. "What are you apologizing for? This isn't your fault".

"Yes, it is! I'm the one that didn't do my job right. I should've investigated thoroughly instead of going off on her word alone but I didn't. Instead, I let my emotions take over and cloud my judgment. It's a miracle you're alive and I'm so grateful that you are.

I don't know what I would do if I, if I had actually ended up killing you. Whatever you want to do to me is fine by me. You can have me tortured, killed, treat me as your personal slave it doesn't matter. Anything, I'll do anything to make this right".

"Why would I want to hurt you? That'll do nothing but cause you even more pain". I looked up at him shocked. "But what about your pain? I hurt you for no reason". "And I forgive you for that, come here". Immediately I stood up and made my way over to him but he grabbed me by my shirt and forced me back down to his level.

I thought he would spit in my face or slap me but all he did was wrap his arms around me and hold me. I was taken aback but didn't pull away. It felt warm, safe even.

Word Count: 939

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