Kakashi Hatake

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My whole body felt numb as I got up for the morning. The first thing I did was head downstairs to fix myself a cup of coffee. While it was making I grabbed a piece of toast to snack on while I listened to the tv that was playing in the background.

I loved my job, it mostly had to do with all my wonderful students with their cheerful smiles and eagerness to learn but it was just so hard for me to move in the mornings and that has a lot to do with my having trouble sleeping at night.

Best friend: Wanna grab a bite to eat before class

My best friend Iruka Umino texted, I couldn't help but smile. Since we were kids Iruka had always been there for me, especially with everything that had happened with my dad. He has seen me at my best and my worst, I truly don't know what I would do without him.

Me: Sure, I'll meet you at the campus cafe 😁

Dad: Don't work too hard. Call me when you get out of class

My stepdad texted. When I was younger he and his wife adopted me and gave me a better home than the one I had.

Me: Of course. Love you 😊

I headed straight there after doing my daily morning routine. Like always the campus was filled with kids heading to their morning classes, going to the library to study, or simply hanging around the quad with nothing better to do than relax by themselves or with friends.

I was happy here. The pay was decent but most importantly I get to work with my best friend and teach the next generation and to make things even better they enjoyed learning from me. They are what brings fulfillment to my life.

Once at the cafe I made my way inside and went sit at the window seat across from Iruka. "Iced caramel macchiato and blueberry muffin". He said handing me my order. His hair was down as he wore a dark green sweater with black pants and sneakers. "Thanks but you didn't have to". "Oh I know but I am the one that asked you to breakfast".

"True, so how are things"? "They're great, Xion came home from his business trip yesterday so the three of us are going to celebrate tonight". "That's great, I know you missed him a lot". Iruka came out as poly when we were younger and is married to a man named Stone and another named Xion.

"I did but he's home now so we can make up for lost time". I nodded. "How have your classes been going"? To my surprise, he sighed. "What's wrong"? "Sakura Haruno. I don't know about your class but out of all my kids she's the only one that's falling behind".

"She's having a bit of trouble in history as well but I've been trying to give her as many extracurriculars as I can but they don't seem to be helping". "They're not helping her with my class. Sometimes it doesn't even feel as though she's trying. Either she cheats on tests or copies someone else's homework. I hate to say it Kakashi but she's going to fail if she keeps going on like this".

"No, I'm sure there's something we can do to help her". "You can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves. It's not like we're not trying, we are but the extra attention we're giving her could be given to a student that actually needs and wants it".



"You did do your homework last night right"? My girlfriend Ino Yamanaka asked as we both got ready for our lecture. She was wearing a purple crop top with white shorts and black heels and had her hair freshly washed while I wore a backless light green crop top with black pants and matching heels.

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