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Ino: Hey, are you busy? I wanna see you

I stared blankly at the text in front of me. I had never imagined to hear from her again. I thought she was done with me like everyone else was. I thought she hated me for what I did so why is she now reaching out months after everything has happened?

She should want to stay as far away from me as she possibly can

"You should go". I jumped a little as Sasori spoke beside me, I hadn't even heard him come in. "Why? So she can yell and curse at me in public"? "I don't get the feeling that's what this is about".

"We have nothing to talk about. I hurt her as well as someone she cares about". "Did you tell her everything? You can start with that then, as well as tell her why you kept it secret".

"Sasori". "Trust me".

I headed straight to the meet-up spot she had chosen. The fact that it was a restaurant we both loved was a bit nerve-wracking.

Why couldn't she pick a place like the park or some other place that has no meaning to either of us? Why does she want to remember any of it?

"Sakura". I looked up to see Ino smiling at me. Her hair was down as she wore a black crop top with white shorts. "Ino". I whispered. "Can I sit"? I nodded. She took the seat across from me and smiled gently at me. I wanted to smile back. I wanted her presence to give me comfort again but I was uneasy. I just wanted to know why we were here.

"I thought you hated me. I thought you never wanted to see me again". "I did at first but some things have happened that caused me to look at you differently and I never really did know you, not like you know me". I looked down. "Ino i-".

"I saw you at your job. I saw how your customers were treating you". "I deserve it". I whispered. "Sakura". "I do, I did something horrible, something I can never take back". "That may be but at the end of the day your still human and I did love you at one point in time".

"What are you asking me for"? "Help me understand you. Help me understand what made you think doing that was ok. Help me understand you and how you feel". Her voice was gentle, not a trace of hatred was in it at all.

"It's not an excuse". "No, but it's your truth". I looked down. "For as long as I can remember I've always been my parents punching bag. Nothing I ever did was ever good enough for them and never would be. I was a disgrace of a daughter, a no good for nothing, slut, whore, attention seeker, cry baby, worthless, you name it". I teared up clenching my fists.

"Despite all of that I still did whatever I could to make them proud. I know my bad grades are my fault and no one else but I didn't know what else to do. Cheating was the only thing I could think of to get a good grade fast and get them to leave me alone.

I hated it there. Being with you is the only time I felt truly happy but I knew I didn't deserve you. I don't deserve anything good, I definitely don't deserve this second chance I've been given or having my brother in my life again. I deserve to be hated. I deserve to rot in prison for what I did to Professor Kakashi and Obito. It's a miracle he's still alive".

Tears rolled down My face as I spoke. I barely cried in front of anyone afraid I'd be looked at as weak. That's why when I felt her wrap her arms around me I couldn't help but cry harder.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you had to suffer alone and that I didn't see it. I'm sorry that I was so quick to judge you. I forgive you, I forgive you for everything. Oh Sakura, my sweet cherry blossom". I turned around and cried into her chest. "Your safe now baby, I'm here".

Word Count: 719

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