Hospital Visit Part 2

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"Dad, can you drive me to the hospital"!? I asked frantically as I raced around my room getting everything I would need, I was no longer at the dorms. I had went home to clear my head for a bit but today Naruto had called me saying they had found Professor Kakashi and that he was at the hospital. I needed to get there. I needed to see if he was ok and know what had happened to him.

"What's going on sweetheart"? My dad Kuzu asked coming into my room. "I need to get to the hospital to see my professor, they've finally found him". "I'd be glad to but why can't you go with Sakura"? "Sakura and I are no longer together. She's dead to me after everything she's done".

"Ok, if you're ready we can go now". "Thanks, daddy, I appreciate it".


I said nothing as Stone and I walked through the doors and into the lobby. I also said nothing as I took notice to Sasuke's entire classroom sitting in the waiting room waiting for any update they could get. If I didn't feel terrible already I definitely did now.

He was telling the truth, he loved his students and they love him. Why did she do this? Didn't she know what would be the cause of it? She knew she was calling the mafia.

"Obito nii"! Sasuke called rushing over. Stone had led me to a quiet corner away from everyone and for that I was grateful. "Do you know what's going on? Did papa tell you anything? How did you find him"?

"Sasuke, I don't think now is the right time". "It's fine Stone, he deserves to know the truth". My head was down, I couldn't look at him. "Obito"? Naruto asked coming over.

"I'm sorry". It came out as a whisper. "Sorry for what? You didn't do anything". Sasuke said. "I did Sasu, I did. The reason your teacher is here is because of me. Your classmate Sakura called me and told me she had been raped by him and my emotions took over.

I didn't investigate anything, all I did was take her word and pick him up. For two days I kept him in a cell, for two days I tortured him ignoring all his cries for help. He told me he didn't do it and I didn't believe him". My voice cracked as my body shook and tears rolled down my face. The only thing keeping me up were Stone's arms that were wrapped around me followed by Sasuke and Naruto's.

"This isn't your fault big brother, she played you. I understand why you acted the way you did". "We both do".

"What the hell are you doing here"!? We all looked over to see Naruto's twin sister Ino yelling at a girl with pink hair. I couldn't help but notice that she looked like Sasori. "Why wouldn't I be here? My professor is supposed to be in this hospital, I came to see how he's doing".

"Stop it! We all know you don't give a dam about him"! Naruto yelled. "What are you talking about? He's been my professor since I came to uni just like the rest of you". "No, not like the rest of us. The difference between the rest of us and you is that we actually give a dam". Sasuke said.

"None of us are failing his class and even if we are we wouldn't be so heartless as to accuse him of rape just to get out of taking accountability for our bad grade". "Whoever told you that is a dam liar". I said nothing as he stormed over and slapped her causing her body to fall to the ground.

"My brother isn't a liar you stupid bitch. Unlike you, he knows how to take accountability for his actions. You can play the victim all you want but the truth is if you had never called and lied to the Akatsuki leader then none of us would be here right now and Professor Kakashi would be ok"!

She looked at him shocked. "Y your brothers the Akatsuki leader? Your part of the Akatsuki"? "Not officially, he and Naruto are still in training along with Mashi and Hinata". I said making my way over to her. I couldn't take this any longer.

"My names Obito Uchiha, I'm Sasuke's older brother and the person you talked to on the phone". "I I-". "You what? Didn't expect to ever see me? Didn't think I would actually go after him? What did you think happened after I talked to you on the phone and said everything was taken care of? It sure as hell wasn't a simple chat I can assure you. You'll be lucky if he doesn't die".

"N no, you're just saying that". "I don't lie when it comes to my job. Your only hope is my papa who's tending to him right now". "W who else"? "Who else what? Who else is a part of the Akatsuki, let's see all of my siblings, Xion and as you know him Professor Iruka, Naruto, and Ino's older brother Deidara oh yeah, there's also your older brother Sasori".

"S Sasori? Y you know my brother? Where is he? Is he ok"? "He's fine, he's been looking for you matter of factly, when I leave I can tell him to go find you at the police station". "What!? Why there"? "You're dumb as hell if you think for a second you're going to get away with this. You committed a crime!

You lied on an innocent man and might have gotten him killed for it! Rape is something you should never lie about! You have no fucking idea what it does to a person mentally and physically"!

"P please don't be mad at her". A voice called out. We all turned to the door and was shocked to see Kakashi standing in the entranceway.

Word Count: 1000

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