Hospital Visit Part 1

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I rushed over there as fast as I could with Xion beside me. I don't know what Stone meant by what he said all I know is that I had to get here and see Hashirama. If Kakashi is here I need to see if he's ok. He needs to know he's not alone.

"Kakashi Hatake". I asked the receptionist as soon as I was inside. "What's your relationship to him"? I knew she would ask me this question. It's protocol and was good to have but right now all it did was piss me off. "I'm his brother". I had to lie, if I told them the truth they wouldn't let me see him.

"His brother? Are you sure"? She looked at me skeptically. "Yes I'm sure, I was adopted". She still looked at me unsure. "He's still in surgery, you can wait in the lobby". "Thank you".

Xion took me there right away and sat me down, I was in no position to talk on the phone but I knew they needed to know.

Jiraya: Hello?

Me: Mr. Senju it's me, Kakashi's at the hospital. I don't know the condition he's in all I know is that he's in surgery.

Jiraya: Thank you, we'll be there soon.

"Do you need anything"? Xion asked. "Yeah, for my friend to be ok". My voice cracked. He took me into his arms immediately.


I was in complete and utter dread as Naruto and laid in bed together. He wasn't feeling that good and was afraid he might do something to hurt himself that's why he had called and asked if he could come over. To me, he and Professor Kakashi were the only things that mattered, my feelings could be dealt with at a later time.

"What if he gave up on us? What if he thinks we're all like Sakura"? He's the only teacher that ever really cared enough to help me Sasuke. I don't think I'll be able to graduate without him". I held him close while gently rubbing his back.

"What Sakura did is unforgivable but Professor Kakashi knows us. He knows were good students and would never do anything to hurt him. I don't know what's going on but I do know our brothers will find him".

"I'm so glad your big brothers the Akatsuki leader". "You and me both". I kissed his head and was soon met with a call. I made sure to keep my phone nearby in case there were any updates.

Me: Hello

Professor Iruka: Get to the hospital right now, Kakashi's here. Your papa's tending to him

Me: We'll be right there

"What's going on"? He looked up at me confused. "We need to get to the hospital, Professor Kakashi's there".


"Do you want to go see him"? Stone asked softly. We were both still sitting on my bathroom floor.


"Do you think you can get up"?


"That's fine, I'll help you". His fingers passed through my hair. "You need to eat something first though". "I don't think I can". I whispered. "I know but you have to, afterwards we'll head to the hospital ok". "Ok Nii San". "Good". He placed his hand underneath my arm and helped me up to my feet.

Immediately I leaned against him as he wrapped an arm around me and brought me straight to my kitchen where he fixed me a grilled cheese with tomato soup. "You don't have to eat all of it, just a little bit". He spoke softly.

"You sure you don't want to be a doctor"? I asked before taking a small bite of the sandwich. "You're the only patient I want to care for besides Iruka and Xion". I grunted in response. "Tell me, Obi...................have you been thinking about him since all of this happened"? I nodded.

Word Count: 645

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