Getting Closer To Each Other

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Everything hurt. My head was foggy and the pain in my lower back made it feel as if someone was stabbing me with a knife and was adding pressure to it. I had taken my pain meds but it felt as if they were doing nothing. I needed more. I wanted to take another one but Iruka wasn't letting me.

Obito was helping me with my PT and my meals but Iruka insisted on giving me my pain meds. He didn't trust me enough to give it to me as prescribed but he's not the one in constant pain, I am.

"Obito should be here soon, need anything before I go"? Iruka asked coming from upstairs. "No, unless you're giving me another pill". He smiled. "Sorry, but you can't have another one until lunchtime".

"My back is killing me Iru". "I know and I hate having to see you in pain but considering what happened before I have to do it this way. Just give it time, the medicine will help". He came over and hugged me. "I'm heading out, love you". "Love you too". I mumbled.

I have been giving it time

I couldn't take it. I only had a short period before Obito would get here. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before forcing myself up and off the cough. My injuries were screaming in pain as I struggled to get myself to the wall for support.

Once there I allowed myself to lean against it as I dragged myself over to the staircase and used the railing to help me get upstairs. Once I was at the top I used the wall once more until I was in my room and able to crawl to my bathroom, thankfully for me the door was open but I wasn't able to make it there unfortunately.

"Kakashi"! Obito called out voice filled with worry. Within seconds I was in his arms and on my bed. "What happened? Why are you up here by yourself"? His eyes held nothing but worry as he kneeled before me with my hands in his.

How can this man possibly be dangerous? He's so sweet.

"I-". I couldn't get the words out. His papa's a doctor I know he wouldn't help me with this. "It's ok, you can tell me anything". I looked to the side. "I wanted my pain meds, I know it's not time but-". To my surprise, he smiled. "I'll make an exception just this once".

"Obito"! I looked at him shocked. "Just this once, don't tell anyone ok". He stood up, made his way into my bathroom, and came back out with two blue pills. "Thank you, Obi". I took them and popped them into my mouth right away".

"You're welcome but now you need to rest". I looked at him confused again. "What about my PT"? He shook his head. "Your body's been through enough for today, you need rest".

I looked to the side once more. "Can you please stay..........and hold me"? His smile was gentle. "Of course, whatever you need". I nodded and laid down. He took his shoes off, made his way behind me, and carefully took me into his arms. I sighed as I felt my back gently pressed up against his strong chest and felt his strong arms surrounding me in a protective shield.

I feel safe with him. I don't know why nor do I care

"Let's do something to take your mind off things". "Can I ask you more questions"? "Mhm".

"How do you say house"?

"Spanish is casa, Japanse is hausu".

"Welcome home?

"Bienvenido a casa and Okaerinasai".

"Mom and dad"?

"Mama and papa for Japanese, Okasan is mom and Otosan is dad".

"I love you"?

"Te amo and Aishitemasu".

"I'm a badass mafia leader"? He chuckled.

"Soy una líder de la mafia rudo and Watashi wa gokuaku Mafia no rīdādesu".

"Does the badass mafia leader have to go back"? "Not right now. Right now is about you". I smiled. "You speak beautifully in your native languages". "Thank you, my dads made learning all three languages very important for us growing up.

Are you still in pain"? I nodded. "Pobre bebé". ( poor baby". "I think it's easier to guess what you're saying in Spanish". He laughed a little. I smiled sadly. "I would love to keep you here with me Obi but if there's someone waiting for you at home-".

"There's no one, I'm all yours".

No your not. I want you to be but I'll only hurt you. I'm scared Obito

"Thank you".

"De nada mi amiga de pelo plateado". ( your welcome My silver haired friend )

I didn't want to do it. Obito has been nothing but good to me and it hurts knowing I'm going behind his back but I have no other choice, I just want this pain to stop. I want to feel like myself again.

????: I am here

Me: There's a spare key underneath the welcome mat. I'm upstairs

I put my phone down and two minutes later a man was walking into my room. "Still can't get around like you want huh"? "No, but this will help with the pain a bit. You have the money"?

"At the bottom of my sock drawer, first drawer on the left". He made his way over there, got what he needed then left the syringe with four small bottles on the bed for me. Immediately I took it, turned one of the bottles upside down, and filled the syringe halfway before placing it into my arm.

"Thank you". I sighed. "Same time next week"? I nodded.

Word Count: 946

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