Learning The Truth

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"I was wrong scumbag, looks like there are people who care about you". He looked up at me with a dazed look as I played back the voicemails on his phone.

Kakashi this is dad, your friend called saying you didn't go to school today. Is everything alright? Call me back when you can

Kakashi, it's mom. Why aren't you answering your phone? Your dads called you five times in a row. This isn't like you. If you don't call in the next hour we're going to the police.

He looked over at me pleadingly as he laid on the ground covered in blood barely able to move. " p please, I I have to go home. T they need to know I'm ok".

"Go home"? I laughed. "If they knew what you did, if they knew what you are they would want nothing to do with you. I'm doing them a favor". "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit her, I shouldn't have but I promise you I didn't rape her. I wouldn't lie about something like that". Tears were falling from his eyes as he spoke.

"There's no telling how many years she shed after you violated her, especially when nighttime came and she couldn't sleep because of the nightmares that flooded her mind only to get up the next day, look at herself in the mirror, and thinks she's disgusting because of what you did to her. She's only nineteen dammit".

"You think I don't know that. I hate that she's going through this but I'm not the one that did it". "I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth. You'd say anything to get away from me".


Boyfriend: Hey I need a favor from you. I wanted to ask you last night but we were kinda busy

Me: Sure, what is it?

Boyfriend: I don't know if you've heard anything from Sasuke or not but Naruto told me his professor didn't go to class yesterday and he's still not there today but the strange part is that he didn't tell anyone he wasn't coming in today, not his students, his friend that's also a professor or the school".

Me: That is strange. What's his name

Boyfriend: Kakashi Hatake

I seriously hope that's not the person I'm thinking about

Yesterday Stone had called and told me about a professor that had raped one of his students and how Obito was taking this particularly personally and given what happened I don't blame him

Me: I'll look into it

Boyfriend: Thank you, love

I put my phone down and immediately looked into everything I could find about Kakashi Hatake. If we had the wrong person Obito needed to know. He needed to know so he could let him go and find her real rapist.

If this man is legit we fucked up big time

"Itachi". I looked up and was surprised to see my cousin Tsunade here with her husband. "Tsunade? What's going on"? "We need to file a missing persons report on our son Kakashi Hatake".

We really fucked up


Itachi: Where are you right now we need to talk. It's urgent.

I looked down at his unconscious body below my feet.

Me: I'm finishing up something, I'll meet you in my office.

Itachi: Im on my way

I washed up as fast as I could and waited for him to come. Once here I knew something was wrong by the distressed look on his face, out of all of us Itachi has always been the calmest and most level-headed.

"Please tell me he isn't dead". "Who"? "Kakashi Hatake, please tell me you didn't kill him Obito". "He's not dead yet but why are you so worried about whether he is or isn't? He's Sakura Haruno's rapist, he needs to pay for what he's done to her".

"I don't think he is, I think she gave us the wrong name". "Why would she do that"? "I'm not sure but what I do know is that his students are worried about him and so are his parents. Naruto called Deidara telling him all about it and Deidara told me.

When I was about to look into his background Tsunade and Jiraya came to the percent wanting to file a missing persons report on him". "Our cousin Tsunade"? "Yes". I sat up straight. "Tell me everything you know about him".

"He was born on September 15 to Sakumo and Lilly Hatake. His father Sakumo was a well-respected businessman but after his wife's death, he became depressed and entered a deep depression that was treated with the help of drugs.

Growing up he paid little attention to Kakashi and even sold him for drugs when he didn't have enough money to continue supporting his addiction. Luckily though he was adopted by Tsunade and Jiraya when he was twelve and has been living with them ever since.

He graduated high school top of his class and finished college early, that's how he was able to become a teacher so young. He is loved by all of his students and his colleagues. Not only that but he's the same Kakashi that works with Iruka and who is Sasuke, Mashi, and Naruto's professor".

The one they talk about none stop and is always praising

Immediately I grabbed my phone and face timed Sasuke. I expected him to be sad but what I didn't expect was to see his face covered in tear stains and his eyes red and puffy.

He really does love this guy

Me: Hey Sasu, papa told me you and Mashi weren't feeling well

Sasuke: Professor Kakashi has been missing for two days and that bitch Sakura is going around telling everyone he raped her but that's not true Obi. He didn't do it and he would never do something like that. He only helps us

Me: Why would she lie about something Lille that?

Sasuke: She's failing all of her classes that's why. She doesn't want to work hard for anything and always wants people to feel sorry for her and give her handouts.

I fucked this up

Me: Don't worry, I'll find him

Sasu: Thank you, Obi

Immediately I headed back to the room he was in and turned on the lights. My mask was covering my face as he slowly lifted his head to look at me. "Please let me go home, I'm so tired". His voice was barely audible. I kneeled to his level and gently cupped his cheek. "Don't worry I'm going to bring you somewhere safe. I'm so sorry for what I did to you".

Word Count: 1113

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