Worry Part 2

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After dinner was over the twins headed back upstairs to their rooms. I kept asking them if they were ok but they kept insisting that they were fine. The more times they said they were fine the more I knew they weren't. I know my kids.

They're always cheerful and full of energy when their dad and I come home. There have been times when we came home and they actually weren't feeling good but they always told me. I would lay down in bed with them and they would lay close to me like they used to when they were little.

"I'm sure it's nothing". Madara said coming to sit next to me on the bed. He had just gotten out of the shower and was in a pair of sweatpants while I wore his shirt. "I don't know Mada, something just feels off. They feel off".

"Maybe Obito knows? They do talk to him a lot". "Maybe". I grabbed my phone and called him.

Obito: Hello?

Me: Hey Obi, are you busy by any chance?

Obito: Not at the moment. Why?

Me: Have you've noticed your brother and sister acting strange by any chance? Your father and I came home and right away we could feel how distant their being

Obito: Distant?

Me: Mhm. They're not acting like their usual cheerful selves. They were so excited for us to go to the Bahamas but haven't asked us anything about it. They also didn't eat anything tonight even though I made them both their favorites

Obito: That is strange. I'll come by as soon as I can

Me: Thank you, my love. I love you

Obito: I love you too papa


Me: Come home! I'm bored and horny dammit!

Boyfriend: 😂😂😂

Me: This isn't a laughing matter Itachi I'm serious!

Boyfriend: Oh trust me, I know

Me: Why are you so mean to me😕

Boyfriend: Don't worry, I'll be sure to ram my huge thick cock into that tight ass of yours when I get home. Just make sure you're fully prepped😉

Me: daddy 😩🥺

Boyfriend: Love you 😘

I groaned sexually frustrated but soon snapped out of it after seeing my next message.

Little Brother: Are you busy?

Me: For you never

Little Brother: I can feel a panic attack coming on. I'm scared Dei

I sat up right away.

Me: What's going on? What happened?

Little Brother: Professor Kakashi didn't come to school today and that's not like him at all. He never misses school and if he is going to be out for something he tells us days in advance. He didn't even tell his best friend Professor Iruka he wasn't coming in.

Me: Ok first things first, take a deep breath in then breathe out slowly.

A few minutes went by before he texted back.

Little Brother: Better but I'm still scared

Me: I know. I'll see what I can do but for now just keep talking to me, Sasuke, dad, or papa ok

Little Brother: ok aniki. I love you

Me: love you too❤️


?????: Mr. Senju?

Me: Yes? Who is this?

????: Iruka Umino sir. I don't know if Kakashi's ever talked to you about me but I work with him at Konoha University. I'm calling to ask if you or your wife have heard from him. He didn't come to school today which is very unlike him nor did he tell anyone he was going to be out today.

Me: Ah yes Iruka, Kakashi usually can't stop talking about you. I hate to disappoint you but I haven't heard from him

Iruka: If you do hear from him please have him call me. His students and I are very worried about him.

Me: Will do but knowing my son he's just fine.

I hung up and called him immediately. It rang a few times before going to voice mail. I called him back but the same thing happened, it also happened when I called him a third, fourth, and fifth time. "Hey Kakashi, this is dad, call me when you get a chance ok. Love you".

Wife: Hello?

Me: Tsuna, you haven't heard from Kakashi by any chance have you?

Wife: No. Why?

Me: I just got off the phone with Iruka. He told me Kakashi didn't come to class today and that he couldn't get in contact with me. I just called him myself and he isn't answering my calls either.

Wife: We'll head to the police station as soon as I get off from work.

Word Count: 756

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