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The car ride home wasn't an enjoyable one, to say the least. It was completely silent on both ends with only the sound of the car moving along the road visible in our ears. Normally I'd listen to music but now wasn't the time for any of that, now wasn't the right moment for that.

So much has happened in a short amount of time. My sister is a criminal and I'm the only reason she's not behind bars or being tortured.

I'm not even sure if she realizes that, I don't know this version of her. I don't know if she has any morals, how mentally stable she is, or how responsible she is. Considering what happened it's very low if at all.

I just hope Zetsu and Ketsu can forgive me for this, I basically made a huge decision without talking to either of them, not only that but I'm potentially putting them in danger with her staying with us but I have to try.

"There is one thing you need to know about my living situation, I'm in a polyamorous marriage with two men". "Congrats". Was all she said as I continued to drive.

Fifteen minutes later I pulled into my driveway that led to the two-story brick condo I owned. We got out of the car and I led her inside while helping her carry some of the bags she had with her. I took her straight to the guest room then led her downstairs to the living room where my husbands were.

"How did it go"? Zetsu asked. "Zetsu, Kestsu, this is Sakura, my little sister. Sakura these are my husbands, their fraternal twins but only have sex with me do you understand"?


"Please keep in mind that Sasori is the only one that wants you here, if you do anything to betray the kindness he has shown you I won't hesitate to call Madara, Stone, or Hibiki". Ketsu said.


"There are also rules you will follow without question. From now on you will have weekly chores that will need to be done without any complaints, help, and without an allowance. The allowance you get will be from the job you get but you will be required to pay us half as rent. You will go to school every day without skipping and actually do your homework for once, knowing Sasori he'll automatically tutor you as help but under no circumstances are there to be parties when we're not home and none of your friends can come over to spend the night. You will also apologize to Kakashi once he's able to go home".



"How are you feeling honey"? My mom asked sitting beside me as Doctor Hashirama checked me over. For the past few months, the two of them had been working together on my case to provide me with the best care possible.

It hasn't been all bad though. Iruka and my students come to visit me every day and I've even been able to meet Iruka's boyfriends who are very kind and friendly. I can tell the three of them love each other a lot.

"Sore, I just wanna go home". I said tiredly. I've been trying my best to stay as upbeat as possible but all the tests I've been having to take have taken a lot out of me. "Don't worry, you'll be in your warm comfortable bed soon enough". Doctor Hashi chuckled.

"He's right and once you're home I'll fix the couch up for you and cook your favorite". "Thanks, momma but I wanna go to my home, not yours". She was taken aback.

"Why not? Youll need help for a while. Who's going to cook for you and help you change into and out of your clothes. Not to mention that you might still need assistance even after you've recovered".

"I'm aware of that momma but I'll be fine, I'll have Iruka with me most of the time anyway". "He's right Misses Senju, we live close to each other so it only makes sense that I take over most of the responsibility, of course I'll keep you updated every day and I'll never turn you away from visiting him".

"Kakashi". "I know what I'm doing mom, this is what I want. I need to feel I have control over this". "Alright, if this is truly what you want". "It is".

"Excuse me, is this Kakashi Hatake's room"? A voice came after a knock on the door. We all turned to see a police officer about 6'3 with a good-built and long raven hair tied into a low ponytail walk in.

"Itachi". Doctor Hashirama said. "Hi papa, I'm sorry if this is a bad time but it's mandatory". "I understand love". "What is"? Mom asked. Doctor Hashirama turned to me. "Kakashi, are you ok to answer a few questions"?

"No, he isn't".

"Yes, sir". I nodded.

"My names Itachi Uchiha, I'll be the officer handling your case. Do you know the person that attacked you"?


"Do you know their gender"?


"Do you know what he looks like"?

"No, it was dark and he was wearing a mask. All I know is that he's about 6'4 and has medium-length black hair and a strong build".

He nodded. "If found are you willing to press charges against him"?

"Yes". Mom said.

"No, if you find him leave him alone. I'm not mad at him for what he's done, he was only going off of what was told to him. Me being in this hospital isn't his fault and I don't want him to feel as if it is". "He could have killed you, he and Sakura both need to pay for what they've done". "No mom, just let it go".

Of course, all of my students had came over as soon as they found out I was home. The only downside was that it took me three months to be discharged. There had been a few complications with my blood pressure causing it to keep going high and the fact that I had stayed with a fewer for the longest time thanks to a few infections I had gotten from my injuries.

Officer Uchiha came by to visit a few more times but my answer remained the same. Despite what my mom believes I'm not going to punish someone for trying to protect another person. He didn't have all the information and was only going off of what he was told even though what he was told was a lie.

While being held captive I knew he'd never believe me. Why would he? Any sane person would automatically deny they did anything wrong, I'm just glad he know knows the truth whoever he is.

"How are you feeling professor? Is there anything we can get you"? Naruto asked. Him and Sasuke were the first two students to arrive and were amongst the only few students who were still there.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty"? "Thank you Naru but I'm fine for now". I smiled. "I'm so sorry for what Sakura did to you professor, it was awful and heartless of her". "You have every right to feel that way Ino dear but please try to forgive her, it's the only way you'll ever fully heal from this".

"You don't have to worry about us right now professor, our main focus is you". Mashi said. "You're all so very sweet, such wonderful kids. I'm glad I had the chance to be your professor, thank you all very much my dears". They each climbed onto the couch I was on and gently hugged me.

"Not all at once". Mom said. "It's fine Tsunade, they know to be gentle with him". Iruka said. The two of them were cooking in the kitchen while my dad sat in the living room with us.

I'm sorry you have to see me like this dad Sakumo. I'm sorry I got hurt


"How is he"? I asked with my head down as Itachi walked in the room. "Well it took three months but he's finally home". I looked up. "That's great". "Yes, and he has stated several times that he doesn't want to press charges against you".

"That..............I don't agree with, I can't".


Word Count: 1390

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