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Like before all I could do was watch as my body moved on its on. I watched as my hand made contact with the bottle and poured the brown liquid into the glass I was holding in my other hand.


The only thing besides cutting that ever seemed to give me any kind of relief whatsoever. This isn't the only time I drink. I drink with my brothers and dads whenever we're hanging out but I also know not to overdo it. Now I don't care about any of that, right now all I want to do is drink this whole bottle and try to get those dam memories out of my head.

Flashback to nine years ago

"What are you two doing after class"? Hibiki asked as the three of us got ready to leave along with our other classmates. "Iruka, Xion, and I are meeting up in a bit". "I'm heading to the base to train with dad". "You're serious about being his successor"?

"Of course I am, he chose me for a reason. I don't want to let him down". "And you won't". He playfully ruffled my hair. "The day you become Akatsuki leader the three of us are going out to celebrate, wherever you want". He smiled.

"Good but you two are aware I'll need a second and third in command right"? "We'd be honored ototo". Stone said smiling.

"Obito, can you stay behind please". Professor Kesaki asked. "Sure". Hibiki and Stone walked out the door while I made my way down the steps towards his desk. "Is everything alright sir"?

"I want to talk to you about your latest paper". To my surprise, he stood up and made his way up the steps towards the door. "It was very detailed and well written, I can tell you must've spent hours on it". He locked the door and covered the window confusing me more.

"T thank you, sir, I did. I uh know how important the assignment was for a good grade". He made his way back down and did the same with the door that was near his desk along with the large windows that were in the room. I didn't like this. I didn't like how the atmosphere felt all of a sudden. I wanted to call my brothers but my phone was in my bag by my seat and I knew running for it wouldn't be safe right now.

"Are you sure that's the only reason you worked so hard"? He made his way over to me. "Of course not, I also wanted to make my dads proud, they've done so much for me". Within a second I was pushed up against his desk. I looked up into his eyes and became even more uncomfortable as I felt him looking at me as some kind of prey.

"Are you sure you weren't trying to make me proud as well? I am your professor after all". "I I-". "Oh, Obito". He cupped my cheek. "It's ok baby, you don't have to be scared". My hands were tied down in the next second.

"I promise I won't be too rough". "Please don't do this". I whispered as tears filled my eyes. "Sshh it's ok, now be a good boy and stay quiet so no one hears us". I gulped as I watched him slide down my pants and get on his knees but I couldn't watch as I felt his mouth make contact with my member.

"Please no". I said loud enough for only him to hear. He didn't stop though. He kept moving his head up and down over and over as my tears ran down my face. I tried my best to fight it, I didn't want it to happen. I didn't want it to happen because I didn't want him but my member was hard.

I tried to hold it in for as long as I could but he eventually forced me to cum in his mouth. I thought it would be over after that. I thought he would let me go home but no. Instead, he bent me over onto his desk and covered my mouth muffling the loud scream I let out as I felt him push his way into me.

"Take it out! Please, I don't want it"! I cried harder but it was muffled by his hand. "Shut up, it's every student's dream to sleep with their professor, you should be grateful I'm even showing interest in you". He grunted in my ear.

"You're hurting me"!

Stone, Hibiki, dad, papa, someone please help me

When everything was over he left the room after letting me know there would be a next time. I was glad he was gone, I didn't want to be anywhere near him right now but the only problem was that I was still in his classroom with my pants down, his semen inside of me and my semen all over his desk and floor. I tried not to, I really did but my body betrayed me in the end.

I didn't like it, I didn't want it. I didn't like it, I didn't want it. I didn't like it, I didn't want it.

I thought to myself over and over as I cried. I knew no one would hear me, there was nobody else on campus right now, he had planned all of this so well. Instinctively I wanted to reach for my phone and call papa but I was in too much pain to move let alone stand up and walk. I just wanted to go home but couldn't.

"Obito"! Their voices called out. I lifted my head up a little and cried relieved as I saw my older two brothers had rushed into the room. "Stone, Hibiki". Within seconds they were by my side helping me up and putting my pants back on me.

"Who did this to you"? Stone asked. "P professor Kesaki". "He'll pay for this don't you worry. I'll call dad as soon as we get you home". Hibiki said. "But first you need to go see papa". Stone said. All I could do was nod and agree with them.

End of flashback

That was nine years ago but I still remember every horrifying detail of that day. I still remember how helpless he made me feel, the pain he caused to both my body and mind, all of it but what I hate most is Sakura for lying about something like that and myself for hurting an innocent man

I'm just as bad as he is

Word Count: 1103

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