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I didn't head home. Instead, I stayed at the office and continued to work. When I wasn't working I was in the training room, when I wasn't in the training room I was in Kakashi Hatake's cell with him, when I wasn't there I was giving orders. I needed to keep myself busy, there was no way I could go home, not now at least. Not with the way I was currently.

"There you are". I looked up to see my dad walking in with a smile on his face. "If you want your job back the answers no". I smiled back. "Keep it, being a police chief is so much easier". "Especially when you don't have to arrest any Akatsuki members".

"Now why would I do that when most of the criminals I go after you catch for me"? "It's only cause I was trained by the best". "Your dam right you were".
"I didn't expect you and papa to be back so soon though".

He sighed happily. "The Bahamas was a nice getaway but it feels good to be home, thank you for taking care of your brother and sister by the way". "Always".

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in".

"Sorry to interrupt boss but I've just got back into town". Sasori said walking in. "How was it"? "It went well, the target was apprehended and terminated successfully". "Well done, your paycheck will be sent to you for now go home and get some rest".

"Yes sir".


"I hate you both". Xion laughed as I laid on our bed barely able to move. After I came home last night instead of doing paperwork my boyfriends and I decided to have three rounds of sex.

"We love you too angel". Stone said pecking my lips. "What time is it? I don't wanna be late for class". "You have time, it's just turning nine". Xion said. "Alright". I forced myself to get up and dressed myself in one of Stone's dark blue shirts, a black pair of pants, and my black and white sneakers before brushing a comb through my hair and leaving it down.

"Want anything for lunch"? Stone asked. "No, I'll just grab something at the cafe with Kakashi". "Ok, love".

Luckily for me, I didn't live far from campus so I was able to get my morning coffee as usual.

Me: Wanna grab a bite after classes

I texted kakashi as I started to get everything ready for my class. I knew he had a class right now and wouldn't reply until it ended. While I waited I prepared everything I needed for today's lesson while also debating whether or not I would give out homework for them.

When it was time for class I grated all of them but couldn't help but notice the sad looks on their faces. "Geez, who died"? "Professor Iruka, have you heard from Professor Kakashi today? He didn't come to class". Mashi spoke.

"What do you mean he didn't come to class"? "Just that. We all went to class like normal but there was a substitute there". Sasuke spoke. "Did the substitute say anything"? He shook his head. I grabbed my phone and called him. When he didn't pick up I called him back but there was still no answer.

"That' is strange, he didn't tell me anything". "He's not sick is he"? Ino asked. "No, if he were he definitely would've told me something. I'm sure I'll hear from him soon".

Please don't turn me into a liar


I headed straight home after leaving the base. I was tired and just wanted to get underneath the covers and lay in the arms of both my husbands. Once there I parked my car next to theirs, headed inside, and made my way straight upstairs to our room.

"I'm home". I mumbled stripping off all of my clothes and crawling into bed getting in between them. A small sigh escaped my mouth as I felt Zetsu and Ketsu's arms wrap around me. "Welcome home love". Ketsu said. He had black hair, light brown skin that had black lines wrapping around his arms, legs, and neck due to a birth defect, and emerald green eyes.

"How was the mission"? Zetsu his younger twin brother asked. He had green hair, pale skin, and light green eyes. I know their brothers but I don't care and neither do they. They have sex with me not each other. "Good, I'm just happy to be home". I mumbled.

"Did you find her yet"? "No, we're still looking". I nodded.

Word Count: 771

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