Learning The Truth About Him

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Iruka: He's been sleeping all morning. I tried to wake him up to eat something but he isn't budging.


For the past few days, Kakashi has been sleeping in late. Normally I wouldn't be suspicious of that but none of the medication he's on is supposed to make him this tired.

Me: I'll try to get him to eat lunch when I get there

Iruka: Thank you Obito

Me: No problem

I immediately went to his contact information

Me: Hey sleepy head, want Mexican tacos for lunch? I'll cook 😁

"Boss, there's someone here to see you. He claims to be Kakashi Hatake's stepfather". Sasori said as I packed everything I would need from the kitchen.

"Have him meet me in my office".

I made my way there as fast as I could after loading everything into my car. I wanted to make my way over to Kakashi's apartment as fast as I could but knew this was important. This is the man who raised him after his birth father passed away. I had to meet with him especially if it involved Kakashi.

Within a few minutes, my door opened. I expected Tsunade to be with him but he was by himself. "Thank you for seeing me on such short notice Obito". I nodded. "I'm assuming this has to do with Kakashi"?

He modded. "It does. Tell me, how's his pain". "It's not the best if I'm being honest, he does what he can in pt but it's obvious he's in constant pain". To my surprise, he sighed. "I was afraid of that.......you see Tsunade convinced Hashirama to lower the dosage of his medication".

"Why would she do something like that? She knows the injuries he has. They are not something to take lightly". "I know that but you see the thing is Kakashi used to be an addict. His father was into to drugs heavily and he would sometimes give them to Kakashi. He would even go as far as to use Kakashi as a test subject to try out new drugs.

When Tsunade and I adopted him we sent him to rehab right away but it still took a whole year for him to get clean. I'm convinced he can handle regular medication he just needs to be supervised with it".

"But Tsunade doesn't think the same way as you"? "No, and I'm afraid he'll start using again as a way of trying to get rid of the pain".

"Thank you for telling me all of this Jitaya, I'll look into it once I'm over there". "Thank you so much, Obito".

I didn't want to believe it. Kakashi is the last person I would ever think was on drugs but the concern is there. He is in a lot of pain and his mother did have his pain meds lowered.

My poor Kakashi. To think he's suffering this much and isn't even considering asking me for help. Maybe he doesn't know how? Maybe he thinks I'll look at him differently, that I'll judge him. Whatever the case may be it doesn't change the fact that I need and will help him.

Once there I made my way upstairs to check on him and frowned when I saw he was still asleep, it was two in the afternoon. Slowly I made my way into his room and searched it for any clues I could find.

Underneath his bed was clear as was his closet and shoe boxes. I carefully placed my hand underneath his pillow without waking him but found none there as well.

It wasn't until I opened his nightstand that I saw four bottles of liquid painkillers next to a syringe with two of them being empty. Quietly I made my way over to his dresser and pulled out his sock drawer first, I frowned more after finding the stack of cash hidden underneath it.

Oh kashi

I made my way back over to him and gently pushed back a few pieces of hair that were covering his face. Not many people knew this but a short while after we started getting closer to each other he asked me to be his boyfriend and I agreed. "You're going to be ok baby, I'll make sure of that". I gave him a gentle kiss on the head before heading downstairs to cook for him.

Once there I got to work immediately on the tacos I wanted to make for him. I started by seasoning my chuck roast with salt and pepper on both sides to my Dutch oven pot that I had brought over I added olive oil before placing my meat in and letting it sear and brown on both sides. For my marinade, I used chicken bullion and added beef bullion, dried oregano, brown cumin, minced garlic, chipotle chilies, apple cider vinegar, and mixed until well combined and finished it off with lime juice.

When my meat was brown enough I turned the stove off and added the marinade I just made along with some sliced onions and put it into the oven for two hours until it was tender.

When the meat was nearly done I added oil to a pan before putting in my tortillas to toast them and chopped up a bit of cilantro and diced an onion. When everything was done I grabbed a tortilla and added the meat to it before topping it with the cilantro and diced onions and repeated the process until all the meat was gone. 

I placed everything nicely on a tray for him and carefully carried it upstairs to him. "You're here Obito"? "Buenas tardes, mi amor". ( good afternoon my love )

"How long was I asleep? Where's Iruka"? He asked sitting up. "He left for the day, it's the afternoon". "I'm sorry". He said looking down. "No need to apologize". I placed the tray in front of him. "But you do need to eat something before you take your medicine".

"Ok". Carefully he took one off the tray and took a bite. "Hmmm". "I'm glad you approve, I'll wash the dishes later". I smiled. "You made this"? He asked before taking another bite. "Mhm, when your parents have seven kids the oldest usually learn how to cook early so they can help out".

"In only-child homes as well". He mumbled looking down. "How was it living with your biological dad, if you don't mind me asking". He shook his head. "We had good times, it wasn't often but we did. I'm responsible for my mother's death so I did whatever he wanted me to without question.

There were times he made me do bad things but there were a lot of times we did fun things together. I always had a cake for my birthday and he would take me to a bunch of different places".

"Can I ask his name"?

"Sakumo Hatake".


"I know ok! I know he was a drug lord but he was all I had. I'll never stop loving or missing him, never". Tears streamed down his face as he talked about him. Immediately I took him into my arms and held him as he wept.

Word Count: 1201

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