Going After Him

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I knew Obito was going to leave after I fell asleep, I had even felt the bed shift and heard his keys dangle as he left out the door but I was certain he would be home once I had woken up but he wasn't. Like every morning Iruka came over to help me with my morning routine but I wasn't in the best of moods. My entire body was filled with worry as I typed away on my phone.

Me: Where are you? I thought you'd be home by now.

Me: Your not hurt are you?

Me: Obito please tell me what's going on I'm scared

Me: Please baby, please come home

Tears filled my eye as each one of my texts was left on delivered. He hadn't even read them.

"You haven't heard from him either huh"? Iruka asked coming over. "Are others looking for him"? "Mhm". He sat down next to me. "Him, Hibiki, and Stone had a business meeting this morning but according to Stone he never showed up".

I lowered my head immediately after hearing that. "Kakashi"? "Please call your boyfriend, I need to tell him something". He looked at me confused but did as told.

Stone: Hello

Me: Stone it's me, I think I know where Obito went. Well I don't actually think I know

Stone: Where is he Kakashi? What's going on?

Me: Obito figured out I was on drugs and started doing everything he could to help me. He asked me who my dealer was and I told him.

Stone: Who is it?

Me: Kesaki Tanaka

Stone: Leave it to me


Our old Professor. Our old Professor was Kakashi's drug dealer? I knew after everything had happened he was fired but to actually see him stoop this low was sad. How did he not have any money saved up to make something out of his useless pathetic life?

None of that was my concern, however. The only thing I needed to concentrate on was getting to Obito as fast as I could. I had hacked into all of the hidden cameras that were in the abandoned railroad area, got the license plate off the car he was using, and tracked it to the house he was at.

I know I needed back up but I couldn't afford to wait for the others, I needed to get to my brother as fast as I possibly could. I'm not going to let him live through that hell again.

Once I made it to the house I got out of the car and stormed my way in. To my displeasure, there were multiple people there but I managed to shoot them all in the head and then make my way downstairs to the basement where I knew he was most likely to be held up.

I was pissed to find out I was right. I was even more pissed to see my brother chained up with his pants down and his rapist beside him. "Kesaki"!

"Long time no see Stone". "Get the hell away from him you bastard". "Aww, but I was just about to have my fun with him". "Stone". Obito groaned. "It's ok Obi, I'll get you out of here I promise".

"How if you're dead"? He shot at me but I managed to dodge and shot him directly in-between the eyes. My gun was immediately put away as I made my way over to Obito and unchained him.

"Kakashi"? His eyes were unfocused as he talked. "Kakashi's ok, you'll see him soon". I said helping him up to his feet and letting him lean on me.

Me: Papa I'm on my way to the hospital, he's been drugged

Papa: I'll be waiting


Iruka drove me to the hospital as soon as Stone had called back saying Obito was there. A million things were running through my mind. A million different possibilities and scarenos of what could've happened to him. This is my fault. This is all my fault. He wouldn't be here right now if I hadn't been on drugs.

"Just relax Kashi, everything is going to be ok". Iruka said trying his best to calm me down. Once we had finally arrived at the hospital I sprinted over to the reception desk as Iruka ran behind me.

"Obito Uchiha"? I asked frantically. "Only family is allowed in". "I am his family". Tears filled My eyes. I still wasn't fully recovered but the pain I was feeling could be ignored right now.

"Let him pass Sarah". Hashirama said coming out. "How is he"? He looked at me shocked. "Kakashi, you're on both of your legs". "That doesn't matter right now, how's Obito"?

"He's asking for you, come with me". I immediately followed him as he made his way down the hall, into an elevator, and down another hall before opening a door on the left. My eyes filled up more as I saw him lying in bed weak.

"Obito". He lifted his head up and smiled. "There you are my silver". "We'll give you two some time alone". Hashirama said closing the door. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Obi". I lowered my head crying.

"Come here". I did as told. "Your using your legs". "They hurt like hell right now". He lifted me up and put me in bed next to him but what caught me off guard was him hiding his head in my chest.

"Obi"? I wrapped my arms around him. "I never thought I'd ever be that scared again". He whispered. "What happened"? "I saw my rapist. I didn't know he was your drug dealer"?

"You were rapped"? "When I was nineteen, he was my professor at the time". "That's why you were so mad". "I'm so sorry Kashi". "Stop, I've already forgiven you. We both need to heal from our past but that's something we'll do together alright". He nodded. "I love you". I kissed his head. "I love you too".


Word Count: 1001

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