Learning The Truth

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Most of his body was bandaged up but I'd recognize his voice and silver hair anywhere. "Please don't arrest her". His voice was barely audible and to anyone with eyes it was easy to tell he was having trouble walking. I wanted to reach out and help him but knew I couldn't. I didn't deserve to.

How much did he hear

"Kakashi Hatake get your ass back here now"! Tsunade said storming over with papa right beside her. "Not now mom. I can rest later, Sakura needs me". "No, she doesn't"! Iruka stood up furious. "Look at yourself dammit! Your here because of her! She did this to you"!

"She didn't know what she was doing Iru". He groaned. "Enough". Papa said. "Kakashi you can see your students but only once you're in bed. You have multiple broken ribs, a broken leg and arm as well as an eye that's completely blind".

My legs wanted to give out. I could feel my lungs filling up with bile and suffocating me because of how hard I was fighting to keep it all down.

I did this. I did this to him


Me: I'm in Obito's office, you and I have to take over for him. He's not in a good head space right now".

Aniki: Understood, I'll be right there

It took a lot of convincing but I was eventually able to get Obito to head home and take off for a few days. I knew he wasn't ok. He's in mental turmoil right now and needs all the support he can get. The last thing he needs to worry about is the Akatsuki. I was going to take care of everything for him.

Sasori: Hello?

Me: Sasori, make your way over to Obito's office now. Hibiki and I need to talk with you

Sasori: Yes sir, I'll be right there.

"Well, the good news is Kakashi made it out of surgery alive". I said to Hibiki as we both sat in our brother's office. I was so glad I had the chance to catch him up on things before Sasori got here. "That's good, Obito must be relieved".

"He is and also so are his students but he's taking it hard". "I see". I nodded. "I can imagine, something like this has never happened before. Knowing Oboto he's going to blame himself until Kakashi is fully recovered if not longer".

"I know, I want him to confide in us but he hasn't said anything about it only that he can't stop thinking about it right now". He sighed. "And he's worked so hard to get past it".

As if on cue there was a knock at the door.

"You wanted to see me, sirs"? Sasori asked coming in. "We did". I sat up straight. "We've found your little sister Sasori". His whole demeanor was in complete shock. "How? Where is she"?

"If I have things my way she'll be arrested by Itachi and sent to prison ". His eyes widened. "Why? What did she do that could possibly be deserving of that? You know how long I've been searching for her. You know my parents kept us apart". He teared up.

"We do, don't think for a second that I take pleasure in this but she hurt our little brother and that's something I can't forgive, not only him but Iruka's friend Kakashi as well.

Kakashi was her professor at Konoha University but her grades were so awful that she resulted to lying to try and get ahead. She called the Akatsuki and told him that her professor had raped her and like any other case Obito did what he had to only to recently find out that it's all a lie.

As for Kakashi, he's lucky to even be alive at all. He has multiple broken ribs, a broken leg, arm, and lost one of his eyes and from the way he looked, I'd be shocked if he'll ever walk again not to mention the fact that there may have been internal bleeding. There were a bunch of kids around so of course papa didn't want to scare them".

He lowered his head. "There's nothing I can say in her defense I know that and I have no right to ask this of you but please let me talk to her before you decide anything. I need to know where her head was at".

"Very well but you only get an hour". Hibiki said. "Thank you".


"How are you feeling Kakashi? Is there anything I can get you"? I asked sitting beside him. Throughout the day his students came to see him but the only ones here now were myself, Sasuke, Ino, Naruto Hashirama, and his parents.

"I wanna see Sakura, please tell me she wasn't arrested Iruka". "Rather she is or isn't is none of your concern, your only focus is getting better". Tsunade scolded. "Now now dear, nows not the time to be rough with him". Jiraya said.

"Professor Kakashi, Sakura doesn't care what happens to you, your here because of her. She told me so herself". Ino said holding his hand. "Oh Ino". He squeezed back as hard as he could. "I'm sure there's a reason".

"What reason could there possibly be? She tried to have you killed. She tried to take away the only teacher who actually understood how hard it is for me to understand stuff and yet I still have better grades than her". Sasuke held Naruto as he broke down crying.

"I'm not going anywhere Naru, I'll always be your teacher".

Word Count: 934

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